Hi to all>
I have boxter 2001 , and I am enjoin every second of it,
But lately, I have had 3 episodes of the car not starting at all after a drive. I haven't had any problems with it starting cold, but after a drive, whether long or short, the car would sometimes not start when turning the key. If the normal starting noise is "kchikchikchikchi.... vroooomm", then what I am getting is just "kchikchikchikchi......". As I tried repeatedly to start it, sometimes the car would appear to have started but would then stall straight away. The previous two episodes, I was able to get the car started after about ten minutes of doing nothing - of not trying to start it.
I find that the car would just ""kchikchikchikchi......" if I keep trying to start it. If I leave it for 5 minutes, and then try, it would "kchikchikchikchi...... vroom" but then stall straight away. If I leave it for long enough, it would start (the first two times at least). The third episode happened mid-night tonight. I couldn't get it started at all despite leaving it alone for 30minutes at a time.I am very frustrated.can some one HELP me please.