So my 2000 Box spent a long winter in the garage this year. Took it out last month, and just hasn't been running right.
When I stored it, I filled up the tank and add gas stabilizer to it. Took the battery out and sweet dreams.
When I woke it up, it started right away but was very sluggish with the throttle response. It did get a little better, and I have run 2 tanks of gas through it over the past month.
Last week it started acting up and being very sluggish. When trying to accelerate it studers.... and if driving along and go to pass it will rev up but just won't perform the way it should.
If the car is in neutral, and you try revving the engine it just studders...
Anyone have any ideas or suggestions...No Porsche mechanics in my little town
Not sure if I should run something in the engine...some type of cleaner

Thank You for your help!!!