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bulkman 04-17-2012 11:52 AM

PLEASE HELP!! Sluggish Throttle Response
So my 2000 Box spent a long winter in the garage this year. Took it out last month, and just hasn't been running right.

When I stored it, I filled up the tank and add gas stabilizer to it. Took the battery out and sweet dreams.

When I woke it up, it started right away but was very sluggish with the throttle response. It did get a little better, and I have run 2 tanks of gas through it over the past month.

Last week it started acting up and being very sluggish. When trying to accelerate it studers.... and if driving along and go to pass it will rev up but just won't perform the way it should.

If the car is in neutral, and you try revving the engine it just studders...

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions...No Porsche mechanics in my little town :(

Not sure if I should run something in the engine...some type of cleaner :((

Thank You for your help!!!


Highlow 04-17-2012 11:53 AM

Is the engine light on?

jmatta 04-17-2012 12:38 PM

Your first mistake was disconnecting the battery, instead of placing it on a maintainer. You have cleared all the codes in the ECU and have reset to default. There may have been a code in there pointing toward a potential problem that the ECU was compensating for. Now that you've cleared it, the car no longer has the ECU assistance to enable it to run smoothly. My suggestion would be to drive it for a week or so to re-compensate and check for DTC codes...it will take at least that long to bring all values within the ECU to a "ready" status.

thstone 04-17-2012 02:31 PM

Drive it for about 100 miles in both street traffic and on the highway. Through this process, stop and turn the car off a few times and re-start it. Drive both slowly and give it the go. This process will allow the ECU to re-learn the compensation factors which should smooth things out OR the ECU might recognize a problem and turn on the check engine light so you can read the code. Either way, this is the place to start. Post up what (if anything) happens afterward.

fivepointnine 04-17-2012 04:46 PM

sounds like maybe a plug or coil issue? If it was a SERIOUS issue the ECU would trigger a light immediately.

bulkman 04-17-2012 05:26 PM

Sorry I should have mentioned that, the cil light is on. It was on beofre too (last year), which I beleived the code was for MAF sensor but it continued to run properly.

Dropped it off at a garage this afternoon to have the codes read again.

Thanks again for your help.

DFW02S 04-17-2012 05:59 PM

A local auto parts store won't read the codes for you?

1stBlkBoxster 04-17-2012 06:16 PM

If your MAF was throwing the code last year, and having the battery disconnected for so long, any compensation the ECU "learned" is now gone, but the problem with the MAF is still there, thus the sluggish throttle response. Just my $.02.

Johnny Danger 04-17-2012 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by bulkman (Post 286895)
Sorry I should have mentioned that, the cil light is on. It was on beofre too (last year), which I beleived the code was for MAF sensor but it continued to run properly.

Dropped it off at a garage this afternoon to have the codes read again.

Thanks again for your help.

I'm willing to bet that the code comes up as P0102 .

bulkman 04-18-2012 10:37 AM

Can I take the MAF off and see how it runs?? or what is the best way to test it out to see it that's what the problem is besides buying a new one or cleaning the old one?

Ghostrider 310 04-18-2012 10:53 AM

Sounds like you do not want to buy a part and find out said part is not what the problem is, therefore why not retrieve the codes as many have suggested?

bulkman 04-19-2012 12:00 PM

Cleaned the MAF real good, installed it back reset the codes. Car still not running right and did a read of the codes again. Now I have P0107... any suggestions?

Thanks for your help.

bulkman 04-19-2012 01:55 PM

So I unplugged the MAF and reset the DME and it runs great. Plug the MAF back in and it acts up again. So time to order a new MAF, but I see they changed them around allot in 2000.

Is there an easy way to figure out which one I need??

portion of my vin # is YU626884

Johnny Danger 04-19-2012 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by bulkman (Post 287128)
So I unplugged the MAF and reset the DME and it runs great. Plug the MAF back in and it acts up again. So time to order a new MAF, but I see they changed them around allot in 2000.

Is there an easy way to figure out which one I need??

portion of my vin # is YU626884

The sensor will have a part # on it that not only references the exact oem part, but it will also correspond with the correct Bosch part as well. If you do decide to replace the sensor, I know of a good source where you can get one on the cheap . Send me a PM if you're interested .

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