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Old 04-01-2012, 02:14 PM   #1
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Stainless Steel Exhaust and Rear Spoiler

OK. I just bought this car. I think it is so freakin sexy but the exhaust and rear spoiler is just too much for me. This will be my daily driver out selling insurance and recruiting agents. I want to go back to factory exhaust for sure. It sounds like I am trying to bait every vehicle around me into a race. The seller gave me the factory exhaust as this stainless system is less than 2 months old. He said it cost $1800. I may or may not keep the spoiler. I have seen smaller ones that look more "factory upgrade". I really don't know what to ask for any of it. I want be fair both ways. Any ideas or thoughts would be great. Thanks.

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Old 04-01-2012, 04:21 PM   #2
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If you were to take the spoiler off and throw it into the nearest dumpster you would be ahead of the game.
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Old 04-01-2012, 04:45 PM   #3
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and replace the flat black front and rear deck lids.
2000 Boxster S
1973 914
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Old 04-01-2012, 04:59 PM   #4
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I'd be willing to bet that's a $300 Charlie Chan muffler, and not an $1800 exhaust .
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Old 04-01-2012, 05:43 PM   #5
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Dear lord, get that thing off your Porsche!
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Old 04-01-2012, 05:48 PM   #6
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If you need a stock exhaust, I have one off my 2000 base for sale. I'm in Texas as well so might be able to get away from shipping hassles. I agree, looks like Chan muffler (what I have on mine). You can keep the spoiler though

what part of Texas you at?
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Old 04-02-2012, 06:49 AM   #7
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I would definitely let the spoiler go...and someone on the forum is looking for one like that for his Boxster race car, so maybe you two can work out a deal.

As for the exhaust, I doubt he paid that much for it if he couldn't tell you what brand it was or the company/source he purchased it from, cause I know if I were saying it cost $1800 I'd probably be putting a name like Fabspeed right behind that figure.

I'm hoping beyond hope that the matte black on your trunk lids is simply a vinyl or something like plasti-dip and can just be peeled off...it really doesn't look good.

I'm not sure what folks you recruit tend to be impressed by, but if it were me I'd be more impressed by a nice, clean-looking Boxster than one that is trying to look like something it's not. It's your car ultimately, but I'd say lose the spoiler and maybe see if the gent looking for a spoiler for his race car (look for the thread in the racing section, as I can't recall his user name at the moment) might want to purchase it from you. There are plenty of other aftermarket options out there that are much more docile, and strictly for looks rather than actual function, but they'd at least look much more classy than the wanna-be ALMS GT car wing.

Anyways, I know you didn't post this for people to critique your car ad infinitum. If this exhaust turns out to be a TopSpeed unit, you're looking at something worth about $350 for the muffler, and very likely to find someone on here who wants it. I'm not sure what year your car is, but if it's a 2000 or younger and has the cat bypass pipes, those are also very desirable and likely to be taken off your hands quickly. Just make sure the seller didn't just give you the muffler or you'll either need to keep those pipes or get replacements (if you have them). If your car is 97-99 you won't have or need these pipes and will only need to check whether or not you also have a different header. If it's just the muffler section that's aftermarket, you're not that far away from having a regular sounding Boxste again (which is fine, they sound pretty good even if they're a bit quiet in stock form).

Good luck with the sale and car.

1997 Arctic Silver Boxster, 5-spd
Robbins glass window top
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Old 04-02-2012, 07:52 AM   #8
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Since you're located in Texas, I would see if Mission Control in Houston might be interested in the wing ?
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Old 04-02-2012, 08:26 AM   #9
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Yes. Please do not try to sell the spoiler. Walk around to the backyard and bury it...never to be spoken of again.
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Old 04-02-2012, 08:32 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Johnny Danger View Post
Since you're located in Texas, I would see if Mission Control in Houston might be interested in the wing ?
No doubt the wing is horrid. It doesn't belong on any car, race-car or not. With that said I find you comments extremely rude especially since you own a riced out Boxster as well. Forgive me if I've confused you with someone else but I remember seeing a not so pretty multi-vented yellow Boxster. :ah:
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Old 04-02-2012, 06:30 PM   #11
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Red face Misled Boxster

This is what happens when a nice Boxster ends up in the wrong hands...! just no taste and no clue on what to do.... what a waste to ruin such a nice thing !
oh well....
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Old 04-02-2012, 07:44 PM   #12
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Talking The glass is half full

Those wheels look nice, and the deck lids may well be lighter-than-stock carbon fiber, and in any event they can be repainted. Most of us like the sound of our engines, right up to the point of wake-the-neighbor's kids Harley Davidson anti-socialism. :troll:The spoiler is a bit much visually, but hey, downforce is good, right. And since the heavier stock self-retracting spoiler is probably already gone, he is ready to install a classy replacement in his car before painting the lid. And meanwhile, he has a ********************in fun ride! More so than just about any other brand,Porsche owners seem to want to put their own personal mark on the cars, even when brand new. It is just that there is some unwritten code to try to stay within the spirit of the cars creation. So everyone, stop acting so jealous that this car has a head start on your efforts. Each of us secretly knows that own personal car's option mix is the best,anyway!
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Old 04-03-2012, 02:37 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Saudin801 View Post
No doubt the wing is horrid. It doesn't belong on any car, race-car or not. With that said I find you comments extremely rude especially since you own a riced out Boxster as well. Forgive me if I've confused you with someone else but I remember seeing a not so pretty multi-vented yellow Boxster. :ah:
Pal, the only thing that's rice around here, is what's between your ears ! You obviously can't discern the difference between a well "tuned" boxster that represents a culmination of top German products and equipment from your Mormon Tabernacle special .
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Old 04-03-2012, 04:47 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Johnny Danger View Post
Pal, the only thing that's rice around here, is what's between your ears ! You obviously can't discern the difference between a well "tuned" boxster that represents a culmination of top German products and equipment from your Mormon Tabernacle special .
You would think older men would have a more refined taste. I bet you love when little kids come up to you and tell you how cool your yellow Cockster looks, Pal. "Danger, is this a trasnformers car?" Getting offended only showed us your insecurity with the only Boxster version of the Bubble-Bee.

You're personality is hideous. Thanks for calling me Asian and Mormon, you're one massive racist. There is no point in telling you I'm neither of those. :troll:

That's all.

Last edited by Saudin801; 04-03-2012 at 04:49 AM.
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Old 04-03-2012, 05:18 AM   #15
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LOLL "pretty multi-vented yellow Boxster". Danger com'onnnn you have to admit this is a good one mate

OP - RE the rear spoiler. They are used for high speed cornering. If I were you, I'd do a Before & After trial at your nearest circuit before tossing it away. Those spoiler provide amazing downforce if I am correct. The one you have is a generic spoiler and fit any car. However it is shaped as it was designed by a serious performance professional. Drop by the circuit during the next open track day and bring it over to the car guys. Some there pays very good money for those

And avoid posting anything other than sporty show-off Bling Blings on 986forum in the future Otherwise it creates problems
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Old 04-03-2012, 05:27 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Saudin801 View Post
You would think older men would have a more refined taste. I bet you love when little kids come up to you and tell you how cool your yellow Cockster looks, Pal. "Danger, is this a trasnformers car?" Getting offended only showed us your insecurity with the only Boxster version of the Bubble-Bee.

You're personality is hideous. Thanks for calling me Asian and Mormon, you're one massive racist. There is no point in telling you I'm neither of those. :troll:

That's all.
Gee, does this mean that I've been crossed off your Christmas card list ? By the way, little kids almost never ask me about my boxster, or cockster as you put it (nice filth by the way). In fact, the types of people that typically approach me about my vehicle are enthusiasts who seem to have an eye for tastefully modified Porsches. As far as any insecurity is concerned, please take care in knowing that I'm very secure at all times. In fact, I never go anywhere without "packing heat". And, golly, I don't think that I'm the slightest bit hideous . In fact, I think that I look rather "randy" in my leather jumpsuit . As far as any racial or religious epithets are concerned, you've taken my quips way out of context . I have nothing against Mormons or Asians . Indeed, my 4th wife was Japanese and we often enjoyed listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir together .
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Old 04-03-2012, 05:35 AM   #17
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Thanks guys for the input. I think. Some of it was a little harsh. The pics don't show the detail in the wing and the front and back lids. They are not "horrid". They are very nicely done carbon fiber vinyl design. Still, it's not the type of Porsche that I want to drive. I may very well keep the vinyl carbon fiber on the lids because it helps contrast the prominent purple that the car throws off in certain light. But, it will probably have to go anyway. I do think I will get rid of the white sticker on the front of the car. I had the exhaust fixed yesterday. They could not put the two factory side pipes (converters ??) back on because the angle of the new headers. So, I will have those to sell. They were able to reinstall the factory muffler. It sounds nice.
I would like to take the wing off and replace it with a smaller, less "Fast and Furious" spoiler and the Boxster emblem. The problem at this point is the drill holes that will be left behind. Not a big deal, I know. Just fix it. A few things at a time though. I bought the car on Friday. I have already repaired the radio, the drivers seat and the exhaust.
For reference - This is a '99. I live in East Texas between Dallas and Texarkana. I am in a small town where there is no Porsche parts, mechanics, experts, or really anyone who has an opinion on what a "real" Porsche should look or sound like. I could leave this thing alone and be invited to participate in every parade that we have. LOL
I am new to Porsche and new to the whole forum thing as well.
Thank you all for your patients and input.
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Old 04-03-2012, 05:42 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Johnny Danger View Post
Gee, does this mean that I've been crossed off your Christmas card list ? By the way, little kids almost never ask me about my boxster, or cockster as you put it (nice filth by the way). In fact, the types of people that typically approach me about my vehicle are enthusiasts who seem to have an eye for tastefully modified Porsches. As far as any insecurity is concerned, please take care in knowing that I'm very secure at all times. In fact, I never go anywhere without "packing heat". And, golly, I don't think that I'm the slightest bit hideous . In fact, I think that I look rather "randy" in my leather jumpsuit . As far as any racial or religious epithets are concerned, you've taken my quips way out of context . I have nothing against Mormons or Asians . Indeed, my 4th wife was Japanese and we often enjoyed listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir together .
You're too weird to argue with. I feel like I'm talking to Johnny Depp from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

You win Danger, you WIN.
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Old 04-03-2012, 06:13 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Saudin801 View Post
You're too weird to argue with. I feel like I'm talking to Johnny Depp from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

You win Danger, you WIN.
At least give me the status of Gene Wilder - would yah !

On a serious note, I merely made a sarcastic remark about the op's wing along with several others that was meant to be funny . Why you chose to single me out with an attack seems strange to say the least. Regardless, your poor behavior gives a bad impression of the site; especially to a new member who isn't privy to some of the personalities and candor that goes on here . Enough said .
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Old 04-03-2012, 06:37 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Johnny Danger View Post
At least give me the status of Gene Wilder - would yah !

On a serious note, I merely made a sarcastic remark about the op's wing along with several others that was meant to be funny . Why you chose to single me out with an attack seems strange to say the least. Regardless, your poor behavior gives a bad impression of the site; especially to a new member who isn't privy to some of the personalities and candor that goes on here . Enough said .
You have a point.
I rescind my initial comment, looking back your comment wasn't ill intended towards the poster himself.

I will work on my behavior.

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