Originally Posted by Box7774
Trying to stay focused on the prize...do one thing at a time and move to the next.....so far have found I need to do the following
1. Electrical testing.....starting at battery...grounds...etc. Parasitic drain testing....alternator....charging system. Need to get to the bottom of battery being at 12.3 volts
2. Repair replace starter as bendix is sticking
3. Window re calibrate or regulator repair
4. 3rd brake light is loose and needs a bulb replaced
5. Replace rear side marker light if I can ever find one
6. replace shift knob and boot
7. refurb rear plastic window....supplies in the mail
8. drivers visor vanity light cover is broken off...repair
9. figure out what is missing from my tool kit
10. try to keep this list from getting longer
How old is the battery?
I would disconnect it and charge it over night.
Then put it back in the car.
turn on the lights for 1 full minute.
turn the lights off.
then check battery voltage across the posts not the cable connectors.
you should have 12.6 or higher.
to recalibrate the windows.
you have already disconnected and reconnected the battery so you have cleared the computer of any previous settings.
with the doors closed and the top up.
press window button and put window all the way down.
Pause briefly
Press window button and put window all the way up
continue to hold button in up position for 10 seconds after window is fully up.
Same for both windows.
To calibrate your Drive by wire gas pedal:
After removing and replacing battery.
Turn key to on position for 1 full minute (I usually do it for a minute 15 seconds). do not start car. do not touch gas pedal.
Turn key off for at least 10 seconds. (I usually turn it off for at least 30 seconds)
Start car you should be good to go.
I have done it this way numerous times never had a problem.
Let us know how you go