03-23-2013, 06:58 PM
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When I bought my Boxster I tried a tiptronic and I thought it sucked all the thrill out of having a sports car. Six years later I'm waiting for my 911 to be delivered with a PDK. I absolutely loved driving the PDK, and I don't care if it's faster or slower, or whether some people think I'm a big wuss for getting it. It is simply a transmission and not a political statement. I'm sure there are Harley owners lamenting the loss of the suicide clutch, and others who feel detached from their cars because they no longer have to put a key in a slot, but that's okay. I understand why someone would want a manual, but Porsche is making the PDK because that's what people are buying - not because they've decided to shove them down out throats.
03-23-2013, 07:00 PM
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Could Tiger Woods have won so many majors with persimmon and balata balls? Would Jack Nicklaus beat Tiger with today's technology? Times are different and racing technology has evolved. The nice thing is none of us have to worry about that and we have a choice of manual or automatic. Will we have a choice 5 years from now, it will be interesting to see.
03-24-2013, 07:08 AM
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I agree, people tend to always romanticize the past. Whether it's football, or racing; "they were real men without all this safety gear", etc. Things have evolved, but there is just as much talent today as "back in the day".
As far as PDK, I will try one before my next purchase, but I love the involvement and challange of working 3 pedals. If I was racing, it would be all about what's faster, and reduces the chance of making mistakes: PDK. One problem I've had in street driving with a loaner Tiptronic is that it's easy to get "lost" as to what gear you are in, and what RPM, if you have the stereo cranked up. With a Manual that doesn't happen.
03-24-2013, 07:44 AM
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The entire PDK vs. MANual gearboxes smacks of the same overly romanticized nonsense that took place when Porsche went from air cooled to water cooled engine. I still remember a customer telling me that his 993 was going to be "His last real Porsche"; yet he has happily had three water cooled cars since then. Technology changes; if you don't like what you see, wait about 5 min.; it will be completely different.............
“Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein
03-24-2013, 09:21 AM
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Both are great for different reasons. I just worry about the PDK going wrong and the repair and replacement costs....
986 00S
03-24-2013, 10:28 AM
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Originally Posted by jaykay
Both are great for different reasons. I just worry about the PDK going wrong and the repair and replacement costs....
That is a very real concern. These things are not cheap or easy to work on.
From what we have seen, problems are going to arise because people really do not understand their need for critical periodic maintenance, like changing the two different oils the PDK uses. We have already seen one car lose its wet clutches because the owner did not want to pay for the correct spec lube (use an aftermarket product he read about on a website) and did not want to pay a dealer to change out the lube (clutches require the use of a PIWIS system to correctly adjust the fluid levels). Net result was a whole lot of money pissed up a pole trying to save a few bucks. But these stories are the ones that flavor people's buying decisions.
“Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein
03-24-2013, 11:35 AM
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Its not about rejecting technology or innovation, its about preserving a skill set. Brake, throttle, shift and steer...you can assist the driver with each but doing any of the three for the driver is taking it one step too far.
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03-24-2013, 02:42 PM
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I don't get it....
Just read an article in USA Today that stated that only 6.5% of new cars sold in 2012 were manuals.
It really might be just the case of Porsche following the market trends just like LED running lights and bluetooth. as nostalgic as it is for Porsche cars to have a manual tranny , the average consumer doesn't seem to want to buy.
That being said, I prefer a good manual myself.
Last edited by Skrapmot; 03-26-2013 at 11:43 PM.
03-24-2013, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Skrapmot
Just read an article in USA Today that stated that only 6.5% of new cars sold in 2012 were manuals.
It really might be just the case of Porsche following the market trends,like LED running lights and bluetooth. as nostalgic as it is for Porsche cars to have aMT, the average consumer doesn't seem to want to buy.
I'm betting that if mid-size and small sport sedans/coupes/roadsters were surveyed as a stand alone, that number would more than triple...
03-25-2013, 02:07 PM
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PDK taking over...
Roughly 80% of all Porsches sold last year were that of PDK...Like the drive, like the shift quality, and speed...however I LOVE the interaction of manually shifting the gears and operating the clutch.
By 2016, Porsche has announced that they will be doing away with the Manual Gear Box. And you've seen this already in the Turbo S, 991 GT3, etc.
utt ohhh...
03-25-2013, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by stephe57
Roughly 80% of all Porsches sold last year were that of PDK...Like the drive, like the shift quality, and speed...however I LOVE the interaction of manually shifting the gears and operating the clutch.
By 2016, Porsche has announced that they will be doing away with the Manual Gear Box. And you've seen this already in the Turbo S, 991 GT3, etc.
utt ohhh... 
How many of those were Cayenne/Panameras? I like PDK, I dislike the +/- gear shift but find the paddles to be useable. That being said, I think it's short sited on Porche's part to put all their eggs in one basket. I hope that BMW avoids the same path.
Porsche has built some great cars over the last century that I am truly smitten with. I wish I could say I was as fond of their management...
03-25-2013, 03:07 PM
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I've read enough of these that the answer is easy, to summarize.
PDK: Technically better, great transmission and can also be fun, generally when driving spiritedly.
Manual: Changing gears is visceral and physically rewarding/fun. No way to replace this fun completely with just paddles, that's why people cling to manuals. It just feels good. PDK does the same thing, but you lose that fun physical feeling of things falling into place.
Can they both be equally fun? Sure, in the right situation. But at the end of the day, you have to balance the performance of the PDK with the feeling of shifting yourself. It's more of a skill to be learned vs paddles, no doubt.
I've had paddle shifting cars that I immediately drove without issue and moderate skill. a DSG VW GTI, my current BMW 335i, etc.
The Porsche is my first manual car, and i have sweated and labored 3 months to even get remotely close to the 1st day I used paddles. And it's still far from it.
So, seems archaic and counterproductive, no? But here's where it gets interesting: Overcoming this challenge and learning this skill has been immensely rewarding.
First, you learn to shift, then downshift, then heel toe, as you progress. Each is like reaching a new level. It's almost like a game.
Last edited by rondocap; 03-25-2013 at 03:11 PM.
03-25-2013, 04:37 PM
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Originally Posted by stephe57
Roughly 80% of all Porsches sold last year were that of PDK...Like the drive, like the shift quality, and speed...however I LOVE the interaction of manually shifting the gears and operating the clutch.
By 2016, Porsche has announced that they will be doing away with the Manual Gear Box. And you've seen this already in the Turbo S, 991 GT3, etc.
utt ohhh... 
WHAT?! No!
This is a terrible, terrible idea.
I have a PDK, and I love it, but even I think this is an incredibly bad idea. Hubby has a manual and he loves it, and would never consider an automatic Porsche. It just doesn't seem like a racing company with no manuals. It's part of the heritage.
I think this will create a huge market for secondhand manual Porsches, though.
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03-25-2013, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by ekam
Baby boomers are getting older and Asians can't drive.
That made me chuckle, I love it. To take it one step further, what would an Asian Hairdresser who sold Mary Kay who happened to have a gimp left knee drive? Probably a lowered Speed Yellow 2000 S with a full body kit.
JFP is right, PDK is the future for Porsche as alternate versions are for other high end makes, the clutch pedal is being completely phased out. In less than a decade the manual option will be a thing of the past, get on the train or get left behind. I have not driven one (PDK) but I haven't heard a negative thing from guys that I respect who have.
03-25-2013, 05:49 PM
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Originally Posted by coreseller
That made me chuckle, I love it. To take it one step further, what would an Asian Hairdresser who sold Mary Kay who happened to have a gimp left knee drive? Probably a lowered Speed Yellow 2000 S with a full body kit.
JFP is right, PDK is the future for Porsche as alternate versions are for other high end makes, the clutch pedal is being completely phased out. In less than a decade the manual option will be a thing of the past, get on the train or get left behind. I have not driven one (PDK) but I haven't heard a negative thing from guys that I respect who have.
You meant Herbal Life, not Mary Kay right ?
Don't worry … I've got the microfilm.
03-25-2013, 05:59 PM
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Originally Posted by JFP in PA
The entire PDK vs. MANual gearboxes smacks of the same overly romanticized nonsense that took place when Porsche went from air cooled to water cooled engine. I still remember a customer telling me that his 993 was going to be "His last real Porsche"; yet he has happily had three water cooled cars since then. Technology changes; if you don't like what you see, wait about 5 min.; it will be completely different.............
Not to change course from the original topic too far, but on your 993 comment I wanted to ask a question;
I will admit I've drank the air cooled Kool Aid and am still in the Honey Moon phase having only switch less than two years ago. Since switching I spend my online P-Car website surfing primarily on the air cooled boards and sometimes roll my eyes at the amount of self stroking that goes on (like every model / series specific sub forum), BUT, My Question:
Why do so many guys go from air cooled cars to 996 / 997 and then sell them to get back into a 993 or 964? I don't spend much time on these forums compared to many yet I've frequently witnessed guys posting something along those lines, it frankly surprises me.
03-25-2013, 06:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Johnny Danger
You meant Herbal Life, not Mary Kay right ? 
Low T Clinic Rep? Damn, that didn't take long. Happy Birthday JD.....
03-25-2013, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Porsche Chick
This is a terrible, terrible idea.  .
Not for their bottom line. PDK only will allow them to mark up every Porsche sold and keep their service depts in busines for years after the warranty runs out. win win. ...for them
GT3 Recaro Seats - Boxster Red
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03-26-2013, 04:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Porsche Chick
WHAT?! No!
This is a terrible, terrible idea.
I have a PDK, and I love it, but even I think this is an incredibly bad idea. Hubby has a manual and he loves it, and would never consider an automatic Porsche. It just doesn't seem like a racing company with no manuals. It's part of the heritage.
I think this will create a huge market for secondhand manual Porsches, though.
Has the hubby considered a horse? A horse would really put him in far more control that a manual automobile. From what I understand, it is a more purist form of racing, too.You really have to concentrate more and a horse can go off-road, jump across streams, etc. From what read... I think it's called "Horseback riding", you use both legs, both arms, and it's cheaper on gasoline than a manual. There's also some big race in that state where fried chicken comes from*. Although, being a purist, it will be difficult to get the bose sound system that plays vinyl on horseback.
Personally, I love the pdk... and that movie where Aragorn rode that horse across the dessert.
* Though, for accuracy or the historians: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pikespice/7894400900/
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Last edited by cfos; 03-26-2013 at 05:03 PM.
03-27-2013, 07:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap
Its not about rejecting technology or innovation, its about preserving a skill set. Brake, throttle, shift and steer...you can assist the driver with each but doing any of the three for the driver is taking it one step too far.
+1. I like knowing I have the skill to drive a manual. A skill that fewer and fewer people have.
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