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Old 07-03-2024, 07:32 AM   #4
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When it comes to wiring issues, the 38K miles is meaningless, but the fact that the car is 26 years old is. The wire used in these cars was "environmentally friendly" but has been found to be the favorite chow of things like rodents. It also has a propensity to crack, particularly around hot areas.

As for the VarioCam actuators, you can disconnect the one on bank #1 and test it with a 9V battery; you should hear it click when it moves (engine off). If it doesn't, it could be the actuator itself. You can also test the entire harness and actuators by testing them with a Porsche specific diagnostic tool like the Durametric system.

It is either the valve itself, or the hose leading to it is blocked. You can blow the hose out (after disconnecting both ends) with compressed air, and the valve can be bench tested to make sure it works properly.
Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein

Last edited by JFP in PA; 07-03-2024 at 07:34 AM.
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