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Old 04-03-2017, 03:54 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by jvfante View Post
Re: Recently-acquired (and first) 1998 Boxster 2.5L w/135k miles.

I am in the middle of repairing error code P1324 (Timing chain out of position Bank2) and have removed the Bank 2 cams and cam adjuster, found the problem (damaged and worn pads on the adjuster) and am ready to reassemble the unit with new pads and a new solenoid for good measure.

Can someone please confirm that the Cam Tension Adjuster Plunger goes into the adjuster block with the smooth end facing the solenoid as in the photo? I'm pretty certain that's the way it goes, but wanted a second, more experienced opinion. The engine's still in the car and I unfortunately did not photograph the plunger when I removed the solenoid & cams.

Thank you! This is an incredibly helpful forum.
That plunger/piston is not symmetrical. One end is pretty much flat, the other has a small recess into where a small spring sits which pushes it upwards. Make sure you have it correctly oriented, and that the spring is also installed. Flipping the plunger over, or leaving the spring out will lead to problems as the VarioCam will not operate properly.
Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein
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