07-26-2012, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Crono0001
I'm sorry, but that's as ugly as that backwards wing someone put on recently.
^ Hahaha!!! ^
Last edited by particlewave; 07-27-2012 at 10:54 AM.
07-27-2012, 12:25 AM
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When you are doing 43 mph you will actually be doing 45 with the increased wheel size. I got 20's on mine 2 and used a very accurate gps speedometer i tested prior on my wifes car.
07-27-2012, 12:07 PM
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lol x 2
Yes, total diameter is 0.7 inches larger than stock front and rear. No Major modification were needed just a few bolt ons for the 20 x 11 wheel to fit in the rear; even with a lowered suspension
I should have meantioned from the beginning that this is not my track vehicle (although i have tracked it before, would not think of it with this set up
My 986 is my Sunday cruising vehicle. I have a modified daily driver that i do "test"
I work for a Canadian OEM Auto Manufacturer and it has its advantages with regards company vehicles and design. Although my work designs are less polarizing, at the end of the day design is a universal language
Some polarizing designs (such as my Stretch & Poke 986 wheels) are not meant for the masses as they do not see the "design language" behind it. Stretch and Poke are not meant for certain designs (trend was started by VW). The 986 is part of the family design
However, it's human nature not to embrace change. Some people like to stay in their comfort zone...that's where some people show their ignorance on this thread
Feel free to commeant
"Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Stock"
07-27-2012, 12:11 PM
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I'd have to argue that opinion of aesthetic isn't equivalent to ignorance.
Just because we abhor the ridiculousness of those wheels doesn't mean we're in a state of being uninformed.
07-27-2012, 01:25 PM
Opposed to Subie Burble
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Basically the thread was started with the intent of getting reactions out of people, be they positive or negative,
a la :troll:
so please don't show "surprise" at how much people are hatin'...you knew what you were looking for and you got it. Now you have the opportunity to defend your choice and express why you feel your language is so misunderstood.
I have plenty of friends with a diverse assortment of cars with all sorts of things done to them, some I consider nice, some not so much, some not at all. Plenty of people around here drive VWs and have done the stretch and poke thing, and every time I see it I still think it looks completely stupid, has little function, and is a waste of time and money. Do they care? Of course not, because following a trend and doing what they feel makes it their own is what makes them happy. To each his own is what it really comes down to, because it's not my car, so I don't get to decide what they do with it. But if they ask me for my opinion I'm not going to lie to them if I think it's something ridiculous and ugly.
But for the masochists out there, here's something you'll have plenty of fun driving around, and getting out every 5 minutes to refill the tires to a rather ridiculous and unsafe pressure:
How The Hell Does This Car Drive?
A lot of people who own Porsches tend to be more on the purist side of things, and don't always do things that come off as tacky, extreme, or unnecessary. That's not 100% of the population, but plenty of them. These cars are already great out of the box, so they don't really need much to make them better. They're just meant to be driven and enjoyed. Most things that people end up doing are for personal touches or to have something to differentiate from the rest if it's not done expressly for performance increases. I didn't buy mine to show off, just to drive it and enjoy it. Anything I do to it is going to be something with function, because I think the car already looks great and drives even better.
The way I see it, the car looks like a donk like the one earlier posted by someone else, only slammed instead of flying high like most donks do. The wheels seem too big for the car, just shy of being tucked under the extremities, and they don't fit with the rest of the proportions. If I look at the wheels and then immediately look up at the convertible top, the car looks like it's some $25 Toys 'R Us R/C drift car with cartoonishly big wheels for that tuner look that little kids are used to seeing, function and driveability be damned. I will say, I'm impressed the wheels actually fit in there and the car drives decently if they indeed do and it indeed does, but the look doesn't do anything positive for me. That's all.
If you want to quiet the naysayers on here who think you bothered Photoshopping this, then go snap another picture with your iPhone 4S and get right up by the fender so people can see that there's an actual 20 inch wheel with a strip of rubber around it. Turn the front wheels out and snap a picture of that too so people can see that the wheels are there. One profile shot of the car isn't going to do it, really. If this is real, show it off, and explain to people how you accomplished the fitment.
It's your car, you do with it what you want and enjoy it in that way. If someone doesn't like it, what's that matter? When you present anything to the public, you have to be prepared for any number of responses whether or not they are in sync with your thinking. Have a thick skin about it and don't let negativity bother you if what you do pleases you. Concept cars that became reality and some of the more recent car designs that have become trends didn't get that way because the designers listened to their detractors from the onset.
As for the rest of the members on here, stop feeding the :troll:early.   The majority of the time this forum is quite respectful and welcoming to folks. Let's try and stick with that, even if we're not crazy about what they bring to the table.
1997 Arctic Silver Boxster, 5-spd
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07-27-2012, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by DHALAS
However, it's human nature not to embrace change. Some people like to stay in their comfort zone...that's where some people show their ignorance on this thread
Feel free to commeant 
it's also human nature not to embrace feces. Call me ignorant, but this stretch-poke thing on a Porsche looks every bit as good as a big wing on a civic.
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07-27-2012, 02:08 PM
Opposed to Subie Burble
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That was also something I forgot to mention in my lengthy post...coming onto this forum and throwing out a blanket statement of calling people ignorant within your first 3 posts isn't really the best way to show people that you're not here to troll or see what feathers you can ruffle. Show some maturity and mutual respect, and you'll receive that in return. By the same token, calling people ignorant is a good way to receive the same sort of language thrown your way, whether they care about what you did to your car or not.
1997 Arctic Silver Boxster, 5-spd
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07-27-2012, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by DHALAS
Yes, total diameter is 0.7 inches larger than stock front and rear. No Major modification were needed just a few bolt ons for the 20 x 11 wheel to fit in the rear; even with a lowered suspension
I should have meantioned from the beginning that this is not my track vehicle (although i have tracked it before, would not think of it with this set up
My 986 is my Sunday cruising vehicle. I have a modified daily driver that i do "test"
I work for a Canadian OEM Auto Manufacturer and it has its advantages with regards company vehicles and design. Although my work designs are less polarizing, at the end of the day design is a universal language
Some polarizing designs (such as my Stretch & Poke 986 wheels) are not meant for the masses as they do not see the "design language" behind it. Stretch and Poke are not meant for certain designs (trend was started by VW). The 986 is part of the family design
However, it's human nature not to embrace change. Some people like to stay in their comfort zone...that's where some people show their ignorance on this thread
Feel free to commeant 
There is absolutely no way that an 11 inch wide wheel will fit on a 986 boxster without major modifications . With that said, I challenge you to show proof that these wheels are in fact 11 inches wide !
Don't worry … I've got the microfilm.
07-27-2012, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Overdrive
Basically the thread was started with the intent of getting reactions out of people, be they positive or negative,
a la :troll:
so please don't show "surprise" at how much people are hatin'....
Well stated
07-27-2012, 11:05 PM
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Yep, people in LA have been squeezing undersized tires onto rims for visual effect over the last 40 years. Nothing especially revolutionary about it. Party on dudes. Call it art, call it tripe, call it anything you want. It's your car, your dough, and it's still a free country.
Wilmington Parade Lowrider Car Show 1 (2010) - YouTube
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08-06-2012, 05:12 PM
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Actually, this post was started with my intentions of proving that a 20x11 inch wheel on a Boxster S
Maybe I should have made it clear...but really?
Below are actual pictures as the initial one through my iPhone. No photoshop
"Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Stock"
Last edited by DHALAS; 08-06-2012 at 05:15 PM.
08-06-2012, 05:17 PM
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The bottom line is, an 11 inch wide wheel will not ascetically or functionally fit properly on a 986 boxster . Period !
That set-up not only looks ridiculous - it must perform as such ! What is that a 245 tire on the rear ?
Don't worry … I've got the microfilm.
08-06-2012, 07:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Johnny Danger
The bottom line is, an 11 inch wide wheel will not ascetically or functionally fit properly on a 986 boxster . Period !
That set-up not only looks ridiculous - it must perform as such ! What is that a 245 tire on the rear ?
Bottom line, it doesn't matter what you think. It is what it. And it is a 20x11 wheel on a Boxster S. Live with it. Like it or not
Below are pictures of my stock wheels
I don't feel like I have to explain myself but before people start flipping out and having a heart attack, I swap my wheels depending on what i am doing. The 20x11's when I wanna cruise and the stock 18's when I want to be serious...Just an FYI before people start their assumptions..again
"Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Stock"
08-07-2012, 11:37 AM
Opposed to Subie Burble
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Originally Posted by DHALAS
This is my 1st post on the forum and I can tell my future posts will be fun...lol...did not expect a hostile/hater type crowd; especially on a Porsche forum but i know it is not everyone on here
Looking forward to seeing what type of reply’s I will get…lol. 
Originally Posted by DHALAS
Feel free to commeant 
Originally Posted by DHALAS
Actually, this post was started with my intentions of proving that a 20x11 inch wheel on a Boxster S
Originally Posted by DHALAS
Bottom line, it doesn't matter what you think. It is what it. And it is a 20x11 wheel on a Boxster S. Live with it. Like it or not
You basically contradict yourself throughout. You ask for comments, meaning you're asking for people's opinions whether you really do want them or not, and (hopefully) knowing full well that some of these will not be receptive to what they see. In your efforts to try and seem unaffected by it, you're showing the exact opposite by getting snappy or abrasive with people. You ask for their opinion and then say, "oh well, live with it" when you get the opinion of someone who does not agree with what you're showing. Yeah, that's going to make people really want to continue talking to you.  Respect is a mutual thing, give it and you'll get it. Calling people ignorant, haters, and telling them to just deal is heading in the wrong direction.
Ok, so you wanted to prove a point. Posting a picture up with nothing else and no explanation as to what was done is not the best way to prove anything to anyone. You've grown up with the internet, you should certainly know well enough that not everything you see on it is real. What reaction do you expect from a group whose demographic consists mostly of middle-aged and older individuals? They're not going to start doing double backflips and break into song because they saw a picture of 20s on a 986 Boxster S. You don't think you should have to explain yourself? You're entitled to your opinion on that, but the fact of the matter is that no one's going to take anything they see on the internet with more than a grain of salt if all they're going to see is a picture and no story behind it. So yeah, you probably want to explain some things that are easily lost in text since you're not actually speaking to someone. Heck, I'd figure someone accomplishing something would want to tell people all about how they did it.
Tone down the 'tude and the defensive nature and I promise you your experience here will be a good one. Also understand that no one on here will attack you without being provoked. Jokes aside, because that's all some of the first posts were, no one got "internet loud" with you until you decided to come off as pompous, rude, and above the rest of us because we're "ignorant".
1997 Arctic Silver Boxster, 5-spd
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08-07-2012, 11:46 AM
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I take back what I said. This is uglier than a backwards wing...
But hey, some guys like taking it in the ass too. Everyone's entitled to their own interests
08-07-2012, 11:57 AM
Opposed to Subie Burble
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Crono, ease up a bit. Let's keep things civil.
1997 Arctic Silver Boxster, 5-spd
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08-07-2012, 12:08 PM
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i've always been taught that there are two kinds of arguments - objective and subjective:
objective - how many people live in now york?
subjective - is new york a nice place to live?
i read three things in this thread:
1. objective - can you fit 20" wheels on a 986? yes, live with it. picture is proof. the only one still arguing the contrary is jd, and even he has revised his argument to "aesthetically 20 inch wheels won't work"; a slight change that speaks volumes.
2. subjective - what does it look like? that's up to you. that's where the arguement lies.
3. left field: crono0001 is looking for a date. there are better forums than this one for that, however.
08-07-2012, 12:16 PM
Opposed to Subie Burble
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I think one thing to consider here also is that possibly the only reason that these are able to fit is because of the shorter width tire, as the stretched sidewall most likely keeps the tire from rubbing in the way that it would if you were to put what would be the correct dimension tire on it. I do wonder if the actual lip of the wheel would rub on the inside at all, or if the outside will get eaten up by the fender running over a good size bump/pothole, but I guess we won't know unless DHALAS wishes to share any experiences on that.
1997 Arctic Silver Boxster, 5-spd
Robbins glass window top
08-07-2012, 12:48 PM
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The fact in dispute was the 11" wheel width, not the 20" diameter. I agree that to be a "valid" fitment, it would have to utilize tires recommended for an 11" wide wheel. Depending on manufacturer, that would have to be a 275 or 285 section width tire, not the 255's shown.
As far as appearance, It doesn't bother me, because I'm not the one driving it.
08-07-2012, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by The Radium King
i've always been taught that there are two kinds of arguments - objective and subjective:
objective - how many people live in now york?
subjective - is new york a nice place to live?
i read three things in this thread:
1. objective - can you fit 20" wheels on a 986? yes, live with it. picture is proof. the only one still arguing the contrary is jd, and even he has revised his argument to "aesthetically 20 inch wheels won't work"; a slight change that speaks volumes.
2. subjective - what does it look like? that's up to you. that's where the arguement lies.
3. left field: crono0001 is looking for a date. there are better forums than this one for that, however.
If you're going to quote me, then please be accurate and don't dissect my words .
This is what I said:
The bottom line is, an 11 inch wide wheel will not ascetically or functionally fit properly on a 986 boxster . Period !
Judging by the photo alone, it looks like he's running only a 245 tire. A tire that narrow on such a wide wheel will likely to roll off the rim under load .
Don't worry … I've got the microfilm.
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