Originally Posted by SpyderRS
Looks very interesting. Do you have more pics and informations about?
Frank, they are precision machined (CNC), anodized (typeII), and custom laser engraved with personalized scripts. Made with passion! They are powered by the industry famous MiniH1 optics and can accommodate any standard 35w HID/xenon systems. The model you see on the picture is the Luminoso Series..... designed to provide that true Supercar looking front-end. If you ask me, those are a "must-have" for the modified 986/996 Porsche car (believe me).
I've seen those Luminoso installed in a 996 wide-body only very recently. Dark blue car but looks black in the evening. The guy city-drives his 996 with only the fog lights and the angel eyes turned on. I almost got an heart attack when I first saw that. Simply stunning, mean looking, quality lighting and all. I am personally waiting to get some free time so I can slam in a set (red) in my own 986 car here (can't wait in all honesty lol).
Price-wise, I do them myself (CAD/CAM both in-house) so I can offer them at a very good price. E.g. the CNC prod time is waved off from the final price - especially for our Porsche friends here

I own a few production EMCO VMCs and only recently invested into a dedicated (small) MAZAK lathe just so I can pull those off for the car communities. I also own one of the very first EMCO production mill (MMV) with the tilting head as the 4th axis. Most of the roughing/boring and 4th axis operations are carried out by that EMCO's. Your neighbor - made in Austria!
The complete kit is $355 shipped. The ordering is simple: you select the colors you want for the bezel, shroud and angel eyes, and send me a PM along with your PayPal addy. I then send you back a PayPal invoice listing all of the features you want. All you need to do is press that Pay Now button and bang, you get your fully custom kit in 2 to 3 week in front of your door.
The retrofit involves:
- Heating and prying open your headlight with a flat bar (Contrary to some belief, the lens is made of (impressively) high quality polycarbonate. Meaning it is flexible. Also meaning, you can't break it even if you try hard)
- The H7 low beam socket needs to be enlarged from 21mm up to 23mm.
- Tapping wires into the existing headlight circuit (bi-xenon's solenoid to high beam, angel eyes to parking light)
- Sealing back the lens using RTV silicon, Leveling the projection using the @25' method and using the Porsche stock adjusting hex tool, and Off you go mate
That's it really - no other modifications is required to the headlight. Any question, feel free to ask myself or Charles (member Particlewave)
I've requested permission from my mate here to publish his car pictures. I'll update as soon as I have the go ahead on that. In a meantime, here goes a slightly larger resolution: