I had a load rumbling noise from the front right on my 99 Boxster. I determined it must be a wheel bearing. So I removed the old bearing while on the car. I froze the new bearing and
Pressed it into the carrier. It was fully against the stop behind the bearing. I put the bearing retainer on and pressed on the wheel hub and there was a lot of play in the hub. It was also fully pressed on. So I took it back off and it looks like the whole bearing can be move around laterally inside the outer race. If I stick the end of the hub up to the bearing and move the hub, you can see the bearing moving laterally. I took 2 pictures, one with downward pressure on the inserted hub and the other with the hub pushed more upward, you can see the gap between the orange rubber of the bearing in one picture and not the other. Shouldn’t the hub, once pressed into the bearing, be nice and firm, with no lateral movement? The only other thing I did was to use a heat gun to make sure there was no moisture around the bearing once I pressed it in. Could I have damaged the rubber? I didn’t use a lot of heat as far as I could tell. Is there something else I am missing? Thanks. Could not load photos on my phone for some reason.