Wow, I find it funny when I run into (insert marque here) supremacists.
For those that think the STi is some sort of monster. It is not. I was and still am a very active member of the Subaru world and am waiting to pick up a new body STi (09) for a daily driver. But they do have their share of problems. The weak point in the STi is the axles. For the WRX its the transmission. Also the STi is heavy and it has way too much weight in the front. The front overhang is huge and the engine sits in front of the front suspension causing under steer. Is all of this bad and will make the car be bad. No, for 30K you get an amazing car. It is fun, functional, and reliable.
I dont know, I guess it is just the way I am that I find idiotic stereotypes of cars funny. "Corvettes are for mullet having rednecks that try to compensate for their manhood." "Porsche's are for rich euro trash." "BMW's are for preppies." "Rice Burners".
To come down to it the Japanese have done an amazing job of competing in the automotive business. Could they make an uber car with amazing performance and awesome interiors? I am sure they can. I am also sure it will last many more miles than today's German cars. But the reality of it is sales. Top end sports cars dont generate enough revenue for them to come out and compete. The fact that they are Japanese and not German has a stigma to it that they should be cheaper as well. Hence the Acura RL, a wonderful car, not being able to sell. People just didn't want to pay 50K for a Honda when they could have a BMW for that price.
Although they are slowly getting over this stigma, and consequently the Korean manufacturers are going into it, there is still a long road to travel. With the reliability of the new German manufacturers going down the Japanese might be the new people to compete against just like the Germans were at one point.
Okay, I will stop rambling on now.