In California (Los Angeles) we have to have ALL monitors Ready !
I am glad that some of the predictive diagnosis and testing earlier in this Thread was correct.The photos of the silicone+brass I always promote helps. What remains may just be "Drive Cycle" variations.
You still have an SAI system (Not Ready/Fail)problem. Eventually you may get a CEL from this. Depends what is causing it. If you get 2 codes showing a problem with each Bank ,that is a very useful clue.
Without Durametric data at cold start it is probably futile to speculate.Specifically all O2 readings- if your Durametric skills are fast enough in less than 60 seconds!
On older engines ,remeber the SAI port clogging issue - a bad job !
The easy first step is always to check for holding vacuum with a Mighty Vac_gauge.The silicone+ brass makes this easier.
If all else fils there is the PWIS,ROW hack, or Particlewave's hack.
Keep us informed because this Ready Status issue is way more than just a mechanical problem - you can't get your Reg/Sticker renewed w/o Smog and you can't get Smog with a 'Not Ready'. So you become CHiP bait - not good !
Last edited by Gelbster; 10-29-2017 at 08:40 AM.