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Old 03-07-2014, 05:23 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Timco View Post
Kinda like a Porsche as a street car but it's designed to race?
Yes our cars can do well over the speed limit, 155mph to be exact. There's no reason for anybody to need a car like that.

Last edited by ekam; 03-07-2014 at 05:33 AM.
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Old 03-07-2014, 05:37 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Timco View Post
Well, then the light speed thread, post a joke, and JD's thread about not being himself need to go as well I guess.
That's a good point. Seeing that he's from Australia where all semi-auto guns are banned, and me being from Canada which guns are fairly restricted, I can understand how absurd it is for someone to look from "the outside". But let's call a spade a spade, he feels very uncomfortable around pictures of guns hence why he said this thread should be deleted and not JD's thread.

And here's more Porsche content to keep it on topic.

Last edited by ekam; 03-07-2014 at 05:41 AM.
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Old 03-07-2014, 05:43 AM   #43
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More Boxster Porn

Why do people attach "porn" to something when they want to be derisive? Well check out these seats!

And for all you Boxster loving right wing nut jobs out there, what make and model of gun is in the picture? It's nickname is "old reliable" because it jammed one time over years of shooting.

"Ted Kennedy's cars have killed more people than my guns"
2003 S manual
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Old 03-07-2014, 05:57 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Timco View Post
Nice rifle, BTW. Giving you a hard time just like soo many others it seems. I only run pmags as well.
That trigger and buff spring will never care if left in unloaded and uncocked position, I promise. I use Leo and Night Force on several guns.

Trunk heat is no concern. It would take well over that.

The hurt feelings are strong in this thread. Evil, I tell you. Evil. You should be ashamed. Too bad you can't use that for personal enjoyment, target practice, or as a hobby and can only kill with it.

Kinda like a Porsche as a street car but it's designed to race?
I guess im in defensive mode on this thread! As far as the springs, you are probably 100% correct. (granted I do know the nature of buffer springs is they do wear out eventually I just cannot say exactly what is the culprit.)

The rifle itself is made by STI. they are known more for their competition 1911s this is their entry into the AR world. It does have a really sweet single stage trigger and manufacture claims of .5 MOA. Im hoping to get onto a decent range and test that claim.

The one downside of having the 986 as my daily driver and only car for that matter... is that it is hard to drive out into the middle of no-where on a dirt road to go plinking.

Everyone has their opinions. Personally im a Gas Guns and Girls type of guy so i love them all.

My rifle must be broken as. it has never killed or even been aimed at another living being.
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Old 03-07-2014, 06:29 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Jamesp View Post
Why do people attach "porn" to something when they want to be derisive? Well check out these seats!

And for all you Boxster loving right wing nut jobs out there, what make and model of gun is in the picture? It's nickname is "old reliable" because it jammed one time over years of shooting.

"Ted Kennedy's cars have killed more people than my guns"
I did not see where you asked until I went to reply! I was going to ask you. Honestly, I am stumped. It kinda looks like it could be a "cowboy gun" by design of the breach. But, it lacks the classic horned hammer, and it is not lever action. My guess is that it's a pump action and it is a larger "pistol round" .45LC or something big yet short.
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Old 03-07-2014, 07:34 AM   #46
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was wondering about a handgun holster/holder mounted inside the storage pouch on the back of the passenger seat.
anyone know if there is wiring there or other problems that could be encountered by blindly screwing into the plastic seat back in that location?
ps anyone offended by pics of firearms need fear nothing from me. I hope no one else ever sees any weapon of mine. not that I have any.
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Old 03-07-2014, 07:53 AM   #47
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I'm not offended by gun pics, owned many firearms myself over the years, but I agree with previous comments that this thread, and the other non-Porsche relevant threads mentioned, belong in the lounge rather than the general discussion area.

And trying to call it Porsche related just because the Boxster happens to be in the picture is a lame argument. I do have to admit that I just don't get the American fascination with assault-style weaponry. They generally don't make good hunting or target guns, in fact, to the average citizen, all they are good for is "Hey look what I got", which seems to be what is going on here. Perhaps a little compensating going on?
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Old 03-07-2014, 07:59 AM   #48
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She's compensating for something, for sure.

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Old 03-07-2014, 08:13 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by Mark_T View Post
I'm not offended by gun pics, owned many firearms myself over the years, but I agree with previous comments that this thread, and the other non-Porsche relevant threads mentioned, belong in the lounge rather than the general discussion area.

And trying to call it Porsche related just because the Boxster happens to be in the picture is a lame argument. I do have to admit that I just don't get the American fascination with assault-style weaponry. They generally don't make good hunting or target guns, in fact, to the average citizen, all they are good for is "Hey look what I got", which seems to be what is going on here. Perhaps a little compensating going on?
Yeah, bring it to that. I have a small penis because I own a collection of semi auto rifles. I can live with that but can provide proof that it is not true of all responsible gun owners.

As for target, they make great match rifles. It depends on the shooter mostly, but I use chromed match heavy barrels for a reason, and not to kill anything.

Fascination? Lots more fascination over these cars than the fact he shoots but owns a small car and it's tough to transport long items (like guns ) in these cars.

Not a gun fan? Great! Don't post. If every single non specific fix or brag about my Boxster thread does not belong here then there's some overly sensitive members. Maybe try not clicking on a thread or not replying?

Fascination? I see it more as my right and freedom to enjoy that sport known as shooting. Sorry these guns offend some but I really couldn't care less.
'04 Boxster S 50 Jahre 550 Spyder Anniversary Special Edition, 851 of 1953, 6-sp, IMS/RMS, GT Metallic silver, cocoa brown leather SOLD to member Broken Linkage.
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Last edited by Timco; 03-07-2014 at 08:23 AM.
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Old 03-07-2014, 08:26 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by ekam View Post
She's compensating for something, for sure.

Nice right hand grip, left is a little high and forward which will make for a slower follow-up shot. Might also cause hammer bite if you don't have a beavertail safety. Finger off the trigger - nice. I'm looking at the way she is tilting her head and wondering if she has shooter's curse (right-handed but left eye dominant)
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Old 03-07-2014, 08:29 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Mark_T View Post
I'm not offended by gun pics, owned many firearms myself over the years, but I agree with previous comments that this thread, and the other non-Porsche relevant threads mentioned, belong in the lounge rather than the general discussion area.

And trying to call it Porsche related just because the Boxster happens to be in the picture is a lame argument. I do have to admit that I just don't get the American fascination with assault-style weaponry. They generally don't make good hunting or target guns, in fact, to the average citizen, all they are good for is "Hey look what I got", which seems to be what is going on here. Perhaps a little compensating going on?
I disagree! If you bothered actually read the thread it is very much 986 Specific.

Secondly, my AR is exceedingly accurate. Great for competition shooting whether it be know distance or a three gun shoot. I find it comfortable as I have extensive training on the platform. Unless you are referring to a barrel attachment, compensation is not needed.
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Old 03-07-2014, 08:41 AM   #52
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Don't click on it?
I'm on a Porsche forum and made the mistake of thinking the thread was relevant.

As far as the porn comment, take a look at the pictures in this thread. It's pretty clear what it's about, and it's not Porsches. No , I'm not trying to police, just don't see why you feel the need to post this in a car forum (and not even in the off topic area).

Yep, I was offended and said so. Sick of seeing violent images, including oversized Americans with oversized guns that they have "for protection".
So, why don't you go get overly offended and yap about your right to protect yourself on an appropriate forum.
Claiming that it was appropriate is a stretch. I could post a picture of my weiner size and steering wheel clearance issues, but it would be pretty clear what I was actually posting about.

Now that I know what this thread is actually about, I won't be clicking on it anymore
Thank you!
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Old 03-07-2014, 08:42 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by BrokenLinkage View Post
was wondering about a handgun holster/holder mounted inside the storage pouch on the back of the passenger seat.
anyone know if there is wiring there or other problems that could be encountered by blindly screwing into the plastic seat back in that location?
ps anyone offended by pics of firearms need fear nothing from me. I hope no one else ever sees any weapon of mine. not that I have any.
That actually is a pretty good idea. I doubt there is any. But to be safe its only plastic so u could just drill very slowly. The one downside to weapons in your car are the many different state laws. While I haven't been pulled over in some time it does not help either to have a shiny attention grabbing Boxster.
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Old 03-07-2014, 08:49 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by particlewave View Post
Don't click on it?
I'm on a Porsche forum and made the mistake of thinking the thread was relevant.

As far as the porn comment, take a look at the pictures in this thread. It's pretty clear what it's about, and it's not Porsches. No , I'm not trying to police, just don't see why you feel the need to post this in a car forum (and not even in the off topic area).

Yep, I was offended and said so. Sick of seeing violent images, including oversized Americans with oversized guns that they have "for protection".
So, why don't you go get overly offended and yap about your right to protect yourself on an appropriate forum.
Claiming that it was appropriate is a stretch. I could post a picture of my weiner size and steering wheel clearance issues, but it would be pretty clear what I was actually posting about.

Now that I know what this thread is actually about, I won't be clicking on it anymore
Thank you!
Hahaha I'd be impressed if you had that problem so badly to the extent of reaching out and trying to get the forum to help. Honestly, I doubt I could even be offended! Sorry man that you do not see the relevance or share in the culture. Different strokes as the say. No harm meant.:dance:
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Old 03-07-2014, 08:51 AM   #55
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Easy there, Timmy, already said I'm not offended and have owned many firearms in my time (Another American tendency - get your panties in a twist at the slightest perceived criticism of your gun obsession. I'll bet you're a big Ted Nugent fan)

I'm also betting my cred as a sport shooter tops yours by a long shot - 1990 Canadian champion, standard pistol; 1990 Western Canada Summer Games provincial pistol team; 1988 provincial champion, free pistol; Manitoba provincial pistol team, 88 - 91. Further, I spent 3 years working for the RCMP in the capacity of Assistant Chief Firearms Officer. I hold a master instructor designation for the Canadian Firearms Safety Course, and I am an approved firearms verifier. It's just possible that I might know a thing or two about firearms.

My only bone of contention here is, as stated above, is I don't see any good reason for military-style assault weaponry to be in private hands. It's my opinion, which last time I checked I am entitled to, that the risk outweighs any possible benefit. How many more high school slaughters have to happen before you people get this?
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Old 03-07-2014, 09:12 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Mark_T View Post
Easy there, Timmy, already said I'm not offended and have owned many firearms in my time (Another American tendency - get your panties in a twist at the slightest perceived criticism of your gun obsession. I'll bet you're a big Ted Nugent fan)

I'm also betting my cred as a sport shooter tops yours by a long shot - 1990 Canadian champion, standard pistol; 1990 Western Canada Summer Games provincial pistol team; 1988 provincial champion, free pistol; Manitoba provincial pistol team, 88 - 91. Further, I spent 3 years working for the RCMP in the capacity of Assistant Chief Firearms Officer. I hold a master instructor designation for the Canadian Firearms Safety Course, and I am an approved firearms verifier. It's just possible that I might know a thing or two about firearms.

My only bone of contention here is, as stated above, is I don't see any good reason for military-style assault weaponry to be in private hands. It's my opinion, which last time I checked I am entitled to, that the risk outweighs any possible benefit. How many more high school slaughters have to happen before you people get this?
Wow. You really lay it on thick.....

Ted Nugent is a POS draft dodger, for the record and makes all gun owners look bad.

I never attempted to deny any of your creds, just wanted to defend the size of my penis vs gun ownership. You throw out a lot of insults in a very nice way...

I load every bullet I shoot, (almost) and load match grade ammo and repro USGI rounds for antique rifles. I am a gunsmith here in UT but only do mine and friends at no charge. I built my ARs and my AKs. Never won any awards, though..(who is obsessed with diminishing the other guy's penis and bragging about who has more shooting honors?)

Some pictures got posted. Topic is guns. Deal with it....

Oh no!!! Lock this thread!!! Fascinations! Obsessions! Compensating!!!! Not on topic (but I am reading it and responding to it)!!! I'm offended by the sight of an AR15!!!

I have not heard this much butt-hurt over a thread since Essex Pete posted a topless woman driving a Porsche. Just to clarify, THAT, my friends, is porn. Not a picture of a gun.
'04 Boxster S 50 Jahre 550 Spyder Anniversary Special Edition, 851 of 1953, 6-sp, IMS/RMS, GT Metallic silver, cocoa brown leather SOLD to member Broken Linkage.
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Old 03-07-2014, 09:12 AM   #57
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I'm also betting my cred as a sport shooter tops yours by a long shot - 1990 Canadian champion, standard pistol; 1990 Western Canada Summer Games provincial pistol team; 1988 provincial champion, free pistol; Manitoba provincial pistol team, 88 - 91. Further, I spent 3 years working for the RCMP in the capacity of Assistant Chief Firearms Officer. I hold a master instructor designation for the Canadian Firearms Safety Course, and I am an approved firearms verifier. It's just possible that I might know a thing or two about firearms
Cool stuff man, really it is. I wish I had the time to compete. You definitely are distinguished in the marksmanship arena.

I will completely stand by my previous assertion that AR platform makes for great marksmanship rifles. You must know because of your experience that even if an AR could not compete in a standard known distance traditional match (which it can, competition grade ARs are all over the place case in point mine is ) ... 3 gun shooting competition has completely taken off to which the AR style weapons are king. Shooting culture has evolved in the last 10 years.

As to what are my qualifications to be so bold to disagree? I'll just leave it at I am a Boxster-phile who also loves American weapons.

Another American tendency - get your panties in a twist at the slightest perceived criticism of your gun obsession. I'll bet you're a big Ted Nugent fan
IDK, maybe the ad hominems that you lace with your commentary are a part of it. I find it insulting and ironic that you feel you can judge the size of someones junk based on the rifles they like. The irony being we are on a Porsche forum where the rest of the world thinks that of us because the cars we drive...
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Old 03-07-2014, 09:19 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by particlewave View Post
Don't click on it?
I'm on a Porsche forum and made the mistake of thinking the thread was relevant.

As far as the porn comment, take a look at the pictures in this thread. It's pretty clear what it's about, and it's not Porsches. No , I'm not trying to police, just don't see why you feel the need to post this in a car forum (and not even in the off topic area).

Yep, I was offended and said so. Sick of seeing violent images, including oversized Americans with oversized guns that they have "for protection".
So, why don't you go get overly offended and yap about your right to protect yourself on an appropriate forum.
Claiming that it was appropriate is a stretch. I could post a picture of my weiner size and steering wheel clearance issues, but it would be pretty clear what I was actually posting about.

Now that I know what this thread is actually about, I won't be clicking on it anymore
Thank you!
Glad we know your position on this very important internet topic. Thank you for refraining from making any more off topic remarks. The topic is owning a small car, and occasionally needing to carry long items (like guns) and how to address that. It is relevant to my interests as well as a few others.

Start your own I hate guns and violence thread. That is the off topic part, not the OP.
'04 Boxster S 50 Jahre 550 Spyder Anniversary Special Edition, 851 of 1953, 6-sp, IMS/RMS, GT Metallic silver, cocoa brown leather SOLD to member Broken Linkage.
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Old 03-07-2014, 09:25 AM   #59
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Top Gear Drive by Shooting Test

Hammond did his with a GT3, is there anyone with some land that could test this out with the Boxster? clearly top down it would hand it to a Cayman. or any other Porsche Coupe!
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Old 03-07-2014, 09:35 AM   #60
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some other options...

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