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Old 11-22-2013, 09:27 PM   #1
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Question Please help me in making an educated choice

Hi guys,

I had posted here a few months back about a buying a 2004 Boxster S and had a ton of help from you guys in the process (tip of hat to Tom, Ray, Randall and PerfectLap). Unfortunately that didn't work out at the time and I'm back again looking for Boxsters! I have zeroed in on a couple cars and would appreciate your advice on this based on your experience.

The first car is a 2006 Boxster S with 10K miles, single owner, manual transmission with regular maintenance records and standard equipment. Private seller asking for 30,000.

The second car is a 2011 Boxster base with 10k miles, single owner, PDK transmission, Navigation and a clean carfax. Dealer asking 35,000.

I would love to have the Boxster S for the power and the price, but the base model is 5 years younger and slightly better optioned. I'm a little torn and would real like to hear from you guys - which one would you choose if your were in my shoes and why?


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Old 11-22-2013, 09:45 PM   #2
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Hey AJR I personally would look for a manual transmission just because the drive is a bit more fun. Then agin the PDK is very good. Looking at the price have you considered financing the 981 base model. Brand new car, lots of power, and great looks.

But if your choice is limited to one of these two I would look at the warranty that the dealer is giving you, and if your okay with a PDK, the car is much younger. To be 100% honest what would hold me back is the transmission. When I set out to buy a car I wanted a manual because its more eventful (not so much in traffic).

IF the trans in not an issue then for $35k I would go with the younger car with warranty. If you don't like it then the resale value will be higher for the younger car if Im not mistaken. Hope this helped.
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Old 11-22-2013, 10:55 PM   #3
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Thanks for the response Bmod! I love manual transmissions too. During my test drive I wasn't too confident on the PDK so I just drove it in the Auto mode and I didn't really get a feel for how the gear changing in PDK feels. I have read some good things about the PDK but would love the opinion of the people on the forum who use it regularly. Also my girl doesn't like driving a manual. :>) To remain unbiased, I was going to give the transmission a neutral weight-age.

I don't plan on financing the car, so a new one would be stretching my finances a little thin to pay in cash. I have optioned new cars on Porsche website a few dozen times but by the time I'm done, the minimum it comes up to is mid sixties and on the high end I reach to upper eighties. Add about 10% in taxes and registrations - I'm looking at 70K at the least.

The warranty on the 2011 is valid till late 2015 or 50K miles whichever is earlier. The dealer is pitching to up the mileage to 100K as part of the sale which doesn't matter to me. I don't see myself racking up 40K miles in 2 years let alone 90K. Your point is well taken on age of the car though.

The one thing I didn't mention in my original post is also the IMS concern on the 2006. I have read a lot about the IMS issues on this forum and understand that the chances of it happening are very low, I still mark it as a negative for the 2006 model vs the 2011 model.

Thanks again for your thoughts.

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Old 11-23-2013, 04:51 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by AJR View Post
The dealer is pitching to up the mileage to 100K as part of the sale which doesn't matter to me. I don't see myself racking up 40K miles in 2 years let alone 90K.

Extended Warranty = 6 years or 100K miles. Push for more time too.

The PDK far exceeded my expectations. Drive it and decide. A very high percentage of new Porsches come with the PDK. I would get the new one if the PDK is acceptable. Only you can decide that with seat time (hint - with the PDK, the choice of steering wheel paddles matter too).

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Old 11-23-2013, 06:12 AM   #5
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FatMike makes a real good point. If you do get the PDK make sure it has the nice paddle steering wheel as it enhances the drive dramatically and ascetics. I don't like the pushbutton on the steering wheel for shifting, it feels unnatural. Also PDK shifts insanely fast.
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Old 11-23-2013, 06:30 AM   #6
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Always go for the newest car you can afford. getting a 2011 with 100k mile warranty for $5k more is very attractive.
The 2011 has the DFI engine w/o IMS issues and better gas mielage.
It's a much more modern car
I personally loooooove my PDK and yes I swapped the pushbutton wheel for a paddle steering wheel. That's $1,000 DIY job

I'd go for the 2011 model w/o a doubt
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Old 11-23-2013, 07:38 AM   #7
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I'd never buy any Porsche with an automatic. In my mind it goes contrary to everything a Porsche stands for. The only exception would be if you have leg or back problems and find a clutch too much trouble or pain.
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Old 11-23-2013, 07:56 AM   #8
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Horse power on both cars should be about the same isn't it? Cant recall but I would definately go witht the newer car. 2011 over any of the older Ims cars is a no brainer. Manual is something that comes down to preference which wouldn't matter on any price for me. Barring that 2011 all day.
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Old 11-23-2013, 09:41 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by fatmike View Post
Extended Warranty = 6 years or 100K miles. Push for more time too.

The PDK far exceeded my expectations. Drive it and decide. A very high percentage of new Porsches come with the PDK. I would get the new one if the PDK is acceptable. Only you can decide that with seat time (hint - with the PDK, the choice of steering wheel paddles matter too).

Thanks Mike (feels abusive calling a nice man fat). I will push for the extended warranty. I didn't know about the paddles - I will make sure to get them if I go with the car. I plan on getting another test drive this weekend on the PDK.

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Old 11-23-2013, 09:45 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Bmod986 View Post
FatMike makes a real good point. If you do get the PDK make sure it has the nice paddle steering wheel as it enhances the drive dramatically and ascetics. I don't like the pushbutton on the steering wheel for shifting, it feels unnatural. Also PDK shifts insanely fast.
I had not read about the paddle shifts. It goes on my must have if I get the PDK. Thanks again!

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Old 11-23-2013, 09:57 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by ChrisZang View Post
Always go for the newest car you can afford. getting a 2011 with 100k mile warranty for $5k more is very attractive.
The 2011 has the DFI engine w/o IMS issues and better gas mielage.
It's a much more modern car
I personally loooooove my PDK and yes I swapped the pushbutton wheel for a paddle steering wheel. That's $1,000 DIY job

I'd go for the 2011 model w/o a doubt
Thanks Chris! There seems to be a consensus about buying the newest car possible. The only reservation so far in the responses has been the transmission manual vs PDK. I will be sure to get the paddle steering wheel if I go with the PDK.

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Old 11-23-2013, 10:12 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by schnellman View Post
I'd never buy any Porsche with an automatic. In my mind it goes contrary to everything a Porsche stands for. The only exception would be if you have leg or back problems and find a clutch too much trouble or pain.
Thanks Schnellman! Those were my sentiments for the longest time. Fortunately I don't have any leg or back problems but I'm afraid the missus might make sure I have them in the near future. :<(
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Old 11-23-2013, 10:21 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by rp17 View Post
Horse power on both cars should be about the same isn't it? Cant recall but I would definately go witht the newer car. 2011 over any of the older Ims cars is a no brainer. Manual is something that comes down to preference which wouldn't matter on any price for me. Barring that 2011 all day.
Thanks RP! Its 280 horses vs 255. Approximately 10% difference. I can actually live with the lower hp as I'm not planning on drag racing or burning rubber. I dream about driving a Boxster through the mountains in the Pacific Northwest. :>)

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Old 11-23-2013, 10:30 AM   #14
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I'd pick the pdk every time. On my second car with the pdk and think it's great. Having driven a manual, I still do not get the obsession. Having said that, I:

1. Go to the grocery store for my food -- I don't grow or hunt it.
2. Use a computer/iPad/smart phone for "texting and typing" rather than going up to each person individually and "speaking to them" or grabbing a pencil and writing a letter.
3. Buy homes that have already been built, rather than building it myself (I'm not one for felling trees for lumber).
4. Can't stand fried-egg headlights. Are you still wearing something from 9 years ago? Using a TV from 9 years ago? A TRS-80, maybe, for the feel of vintage? Not me, but that's my bias. Good luck!
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Last edited by cfos; 11-23-2013 at 10:32 AM.
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Old 11-23-2013, 01:20 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by cfos View Post
I'd pick the pdk every time. On my second car with the pdk and think it's great. Having driven a manual, I still do not get the obsession. Having said that, I:

1. Go to the grocery store for my food -- I don't grow or hunt it.
2. Use a computer/iPad/smart phone for "texting and typing" rather than going up to each person individually and "speaking to them" or grabbing a pencil and writing a letter.
3. Buy homes that have already been built, rather than building it myself (I'm not one for felling trees for lumber).
4. Can't stand fried-egg headlights. Are you still wearing something from 9 years ago? Using a TV from 9 years ago? A TRS-80, maybe, for the feel of vintage? Not me, but that's my bias. Good luck!
It is a personal preference. We live in a time where most cars are automatic and sometimes its good to break away from that and do some shifting with a clutch. Its not to feel vintage or remember the old days but its more of a satisfaction of giving proper shifts and making decisions yourself rather then having a computer cut in so that your car won't blow. Its a connection between you and your car.

I also have driven the 991s with a PDK and sport exhaust. Awesome car, visceral noise, great time, and lighting fast shifts. Had the flappy paddles which added to the fun. I loved the PDK but I still like to shift with a clutch.

With that said I have two SUVs with auto trans in my home so I can always take a break from shifting.

"Also I do have a tv that is 8 years old and still use it. New TVs are expensive I have a boxster to maintain" hahaha.
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Old 11-23-2013, 02:38 PM   #16
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I'd go with the newer car. At $5k diff you get the 5 year newer car, no IMS to worry about and a better warranty it is a no brainer. PDK vs manual is a personal preference mine being a manual if it is a sports car but I totally get the appeal of a dual clutch automated manual. It is an awesome transmission and light years ahead of the old tiptronic transmission.
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Old 11-24-2013, 06:28 AM   #17
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Personally I haven't driven one with a PDK, but I own one with a TIP. I drove several preowned with sticks from 99 to 05 and they all seemed very stiff with the clutches engaging high up on the peddle. When I drove the TIP I found both worlds, auto and manual, and I do love the thumb switches on the steering wheel. Plus I can still shift using them while in auto mode. Go for the PDK.

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Old 11-24-2013, 10:49 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by cfos View Post
I'd pick the pdk every time. On my second car with the pdk and think it's great. Having driven a manual, I still do not get the obsession. Having said that, I:

1. Go to the grocery store for my food -- I don't grow or hunt it.
2. Use a computer/iPad/smart phone for "texting and typing" rather than going up to each person individually and "speaking to them" or grabbing a pencil and writing a letter.
3. Buy homes that have already been built, rather than building it myself (I'm not one for felling trees for lumber).
4. Can't stand fried-egg headlights. Are you still wearing something from 9 years ago? Using a TV from 9 years ago? A TRS-80, maybe, for the feel of vintage? Not me, but that's my bias. Good luck!

Thanks for your thoughts. I read your response last night and had a chuckle but I wanted to be more sober when I responded.

I'm with you on 1 and 3 absolutely. As for your point 2, I do use "texting and typing", but also appreciate the physical aspect of social interaction. I like to see my nieces, nephews and friends in person or talk on the phone rather than just through electronic communication. On point 4, I agree with you for the most part - with just the emphasis on the fact that I don't change my phone every year for the latest and greatest in evolutionary changes. I prefer to wait for revolutionary changes or for something which is productive. I like change but not just for the sake of change.

I'm going to be driving the car again tomorrow and I really want to like the PDK.:>) Give me a few more years to be wiser than I'm and be on the same plain as you. :>)

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Old 11-24-2013, 10:52 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Porsche9 View Post
I'd go with the newer car. At $5k diff you get the 5 year newer car, no IMS to worry about and a better warranty it is a no brainer. PDK vs manual is a personal preference mine being a manual if it is a sports car but I totally get the appeal of a dual clutch automated manual. It is an awesome transmission and light years ahead of the old tiptronic transmission.
Thanks P9! I'm trying to further negotiate to see if I can get an extended warranty or even get them to lower the price a bit.

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Old 11-24-2013, 10:54 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by jcb986 View Post
Personally I haven't driven one with a PDK, but I own one with a TIP. I drove several preowned with sticks from 99 to 05 and they all seemed very stiff with the clutches engaging high up on the peddle. When I drove the TIP I found both worlds, auto and manual, and I do love the thumb switches on the steering wheel. Plus I can still shift using them while in auto mode. Go for the PDK.
Thank JCB! I hope I don't chicken out this time around. :>) I have a little regret about letting go the car I had test driven back in July.


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