05-07-2012, 04:48 PM
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But see, it's not about letting folks pass. It's not about driving Miss Daisy. It's really not even about driving a Porsche (I didn't pronounce the e, < >). It's about other drivers, who are in their little boxes, closed off to the outside world, and not thinking anywhere past the confines if their own vehicles. Sort of like the internet. There's quite a bit of rudeness, harshness, etc because of that whole anonymity thing of being on one side of a computer screen, sequestered away from the rest of the “people” out there in internet land. Same holds true for the open road. Drivers are driving around, not having a care in the world, tucked away in the safety of their cars. Wrapped up in talking on cellphones, texting, watching movies on their hacked navigation screens, maybe even playing Halo with their wired in gaming systems. What am I saying, cars now come with their own WiFi access points, he’s doing Halo wirelessly! Heck, I don’t know. With modern mods, maybe some dude is toasting his Eggos as he’s awaiting his Keruig to finish brewing another mug while he’s driving. All I’m saying is modern drivers are do distracted. Add to that the fact that drivers, just as internet surfers, are a little more bold and a lot less courteous… Well…
Case in point, just because I see it a lot, and it happens no matter what I'm driving. You're traveling down the interstate, three lanes in your direction. You're in the center lane. 65 MPH speedlimit, and you've got the cruise set at 70 MPH. No one else near you! In your rearview, you spot a car coming up behind you, in the center lane also. This is what typically happens:
A) The other driver, about to catch up, makes an appropriate lane change to the left lane, SEVERAL car lengths away, passes you on the left, and after SEVERAL car lengths past you, change lanes back to center. Ideal. Happens maybe 5% of the time. Really... that's it. Signals are nice, but with that much distance between the cars, signals are really irrelevant. I'm just appreciative of the extra space between the cars the other driver created.
B) The other driver waits until they're about ONE car length behind you, then suddenly changes lanes to the left, with what appears to be a narrow miss to your rear end. They fly by you, SOMETIMES WHILE STILL IN YOUR LANE OR RIDING THE LINE! Then just as they pass you, without giving an adequate and safe distance, change lanes right in front of you. So close, that you cover your brake, ready to slow down if needed. Or even worse, I've seen this many times too, they get in front of you, then slow down. I mean, WTF?! Then, just as they realize their speed had decayed, they lay on the accelerator once again, and take off as if nothing happened. Not a care in the world, as if they're the only vehicle on the road. Happens maybe 62% of the time.
C) The other driver comes up on you with what appears to be a 10-15 MPH closing speed. They get right on your rear end and drastically slow down to match your speed, all the while "drafting" you. Then, they stay there. Right there. Sometimes for 10 seconds, sometimes for minutes. Mind you, you're the only two vehicles within any appreciable distance! But yet, they ride your tail. They ride your tail as if you're driving 25 in a 55, it's the only lane, and it's a no passing zone. Then, when they finally had enough, they pass you like in B above. Mostly in the left lane. But sometimes in the right. They pass you at what appears to be WOT. As if they've got to make up for the lost time they spent behind you because YOU were holding them up. This happens about 33% of the time.
Of course, just my opinion. My statistics are all made up, based on my personal and unscientific experiences.
However, I will say I do feel some of you are primed to certain outcomes. Meaning, now that you own a Boxster, you feel like you see a ton more Porsches out there on the roads now. Especially first time Porsche owners. The acutal numbers may not have changed. But, you're looking for them more now. So, you're primed to think there are more of them now. So, since you're driving your Boxster, you're more adept to key in on folks violating your no-fly zone around your cars. That "dude" that tailgated you, may be typical. You may have gotten tailgated just the same as before. But since that dude is now around your baby...
Again, just opinion. So please, no need to defend yourselves. Just an observation of mine. I tell ya, I've seen a lot of stupidity on the road. I used to drive for a living and would put over 100K miles on a car in a given year. Lots of time behind a wheel equals lots of observations. And, it didn't matter what I was driving. Jetta, Galaxie, Accord, Econoline, Sonoma, Fleetwood, Towncar, Odyssey, Boxster, and motorcycles from scooters to huge touring bikes... East coast, Pacific Coast, midwest, north, south... it's always the same.
05-07-2012, 04:56 PM
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Mother Fr*%^ker, God dang Mustang, Hey, why are you freeking on my a$$~!? Ohhhhhh, Helllloooooo....!!
Tampa Bay, Florida
05-07-2012, 05:07 PM
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We Porsche drivers don't have it so bad. I drove a Silver Shadow last week and people are down right hostile to folks in Rollers. These same stupid clucks would be all smiles if there was a "just married" couple in the back seat but if they think you own the rolls they are rude and ugly.
As for the Porsche...it cracks me up that every ricer that is pushing his heap to the limit thinks he is winning because he goes two miles an hour faster than you on the interstate. They don't know that we go the speed we are because we choose to and we could go any speed between 0 and 165 that we want to.
2001 Boxster S 3.6L, Zeintop
"Calling upon my years of experience, I froze at the controls." - Stirling Moss
05-07-2012, 05:10 PM
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Deptotpr, your left front tire looks a bit low.
Also, you're in Tampa, and that's the best looking girl you could find?! Awaiting better pics...
05-07-2012, 05:14 PM
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Landrovered, well, it is sort of a macabre car. They're probably thinking you're the Joker and you're about to wreak havoc in Gotham City...
05-07-2012, 05:31 PM
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Originally Posted by landrovered
We Porsche drivers don't have it so bad. I drove a Silver Shadow last week and people are down right hostile to folks in Rollers. These same stupid clucks would be all smiles if there was a "just married" couple in the back seat but if they think you own the rolls they are rude and ugly.
As for the Porsche...it cracks me up that every ricer that is pushing his heap to the limit thinks he is winning because he goes two miles an hour faster than you on the interstate. They don't know that we go the speed we are because we choose to and we could go any speed between 0 and 165 that we want to.
Yeah, I know what you mean about the Rolls... My brother in-law has a newer Rolls and I have seen people spit on it as they walk by. I haven't noticed any tailgaters while going down the road in the Rolls but those big cars get attention.
300K Mile Club
05-07-2012, 05:33 PM
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I'm always being tailgated and followed by nuns, and I don't no why ?
Don't worry … I've got the microfilm.
05-07-2012, 05:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Johnny Danger
I'm always being tailgated and followed by nuns, and I don't no why ?
They are trying to save you...
300K Mile Club
05-07-2012, 05:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Jager
They are trying to save you...
I wondered .
Don't worry … I've got the microfilm.
05-07-2012, 06:03 PM
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If the nuns looked like that in school I might have paid more attention!
2001 Boxster S 3.6L, Zeintop
"Calling upon my years of experience, I froze at the controls." - Stirling Moss
05-07-2012, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by landrovered
If the nuns looked like that in school I might have paid more attention!
Sources tell me, that she's with Our Lady of Perpetual Motion parish .
Don't worry … I've got the microfilm.
05-07-2012, 06:39 PM
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A closer look
They tailgate because their curious on whats written on the trunk..
2K Boxster White/Grey Int./Hardtop/TIP
05-07-2012, 07:13 PM
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Can't blame them, I guess...she does have sexy rear end/tramp stamp!
Last edited by particlewave; 12-23-2013 at 08:31 PM.
05-07-2012, 10:30 PM
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They seem to fear my "land shark".
in Texas, I get the big Dodges trying to "fog" me all the time... I'd trade that for a mustang following too closely.
05-08-2012, 02:49 AM
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I had some idiot do that to me on my bicycle a few weeks ago. I am going to punch him in the nose. Fogging is really juvenile. I guess he and his four ton dually were intimidated by me and my 20 lb bicycle.
2001 Boxster S 3.6L, Zeintop
"Calling upon my years of experience, I froze at the controls." - Stirling Moss
Last edited by landrovered; 05-08-2012 at 02:52 AM.
05-08-2012, 03:32 AM
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Originally Posted by stateofidleness
They seem to fear my "land shark".
in Texas, I get the big Dodges trying to "fog" me all the time... I'd trade that for a mustang following too closely.
Try living in NC, "Nascar Heaven". Where everyone drives big pickups with BIG WHEELS !!! They hate Porsches.
05-08-2012, 06:41 AM
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Bloody hell... Nothing worse than the south and the pickup trucks. Have a neighbor that drives a 4 ton ram with straight pipes. Just going 5mph rattles windows. What's his job? IT support. Doesn't haul a damn thing in his truck. It's a shame people have an interest in racing trucks and trying to make them go fast, when the vehicle in mind was designed for hauling and heavy work... not for racing. Makes me want to move to California where trucks aren't the only thing people are interested in.
05-08-2012, 07:07 AM
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I want to find the people that spread the "never turn off a diesel" crap so housewives leave their dually diesels running the entire time they are shopping at Walmart.
2001 Boxster S 3.6L, Zeintop
"Calling upon my years of experience, I froze at the controls." - Stirling Moss
05-08-2012, 08:12 AM
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Originally Posted by landrovered
If the nuns looked like that in school I might have paid more attention!
Hey L,
What did you say when you phoned the Convent ? I had this scene outside my home this morning !
Don't worry … I've got the microfilm.
05-08-2012, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Johnny Danger
I wondered .
Mother superior! I definitely have to go to confession after seeing her. So whats my penance?
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