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Old 12-26-2011, 08:06 PM   #21
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Well its a bit too late for regrets i finished my work i just need to put in the new k&n and later get the transmission oil changed. The four node platinums are in, my new fuel filter is in, new spark plug tubes are in, and fresh oil with filter are also installed. Unfortunately i did not have a hydraulic lift that could raise the car to a good working height so i quickly became frustrated and it took me about three days to do all the work. This was also my first time lifting a cars all four wheels so a bit scary. Well including the fact that I have to run a business and I was constantly stopped from working I have to say the total hours including mistakes and having to tighten things and undo bolts and such would be a good 12 hrs. Then again i spent quit some time trying to remove parts without breaking anything an working on the car at a low height and just staring at the wall after not being able to remove a part. So bottom line it was hard but i got it working. Also discovered i need new coils. Nasty cracks on them so that is some more work. Also i promised video but it turned out to be a one man show, so no video of the work just pics, but i will film the change from paper to K&N. Thats something and maybe I will get some help for the transmission oil change and a lift that will raise the car high enough to work comfortably. Ya enjoy the pics. Oh and on my passenger side of the engin there was quite a bit of oil, im guessing from a loose spark plug tube but I will check and let u guys know. On top of that my right rear wheel's bolts were cracking so im going to change all of the bolts on my wheels. The picture explains quite well.

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Old 12-26-2011, 08:27 PM   #22
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Hey - no harm in going slow...staring at walls sometimes, beats making mistakes. I think the biggest thing I have learned in the past year is taking my time and not wanting instant results. I did the trany flush on like the coldest night of the year, garage was freezing. Got all the parts off, things started shrinking and then they didn't want to go back together so easy. I learned trany fluid is the worst smelling thing in the world.

And on the jacking the car up...I still hate that part the most, everything else is getting easy, just something about the left wall being so close to the car. From the pic looks like you got up pretty far. I use carpet pad to roll around on, beat the cold hard concrete. The roller is too high sometime.

Oh and I stare at walls sometimes too when working on the car. Thinking time is always good.
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Old 12-26-2011, 08:37 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by WhipE350 View Post
Hey - no harm in going slow...staring at walls sometimes, beats making mistakes. I think the biggest thing I have learned in the past year is taking my time and not wanting instant results. I did the trany flush on like the coldest night of the year, garage was freezing. Got all the parts off, things started shrinking and then they didn't want to go back together so easy. I learned trany fluid is the worst smelling thing in the world.

And on the jacking the car up...I still hate that part the most, everything else is getting easy, just something about the left wall being so close to the car. From the pic looks like you got up pretty far. I use carpet pad to roll around on, beat the cold hard concrete. The roller is too high sometime.

Oh and I stare at walls sometimes too when working on the car. Thinking time is always good.
Its pretty cold in jersey now i had a heater for three minutes and it through my braker off, so no heater for the garage, and I used that card board in the pic to role around. And as far as the height it may look high but i could not role over under the car and Im a thin guy. Also to get to the spark plugs I had to bend my back quite a bit while siting with my legs crossed. If it only would have been a few inches higher I would have been much more comfortable. So recommendation of the day raise that car high even though its drastically scary.
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Old 12-26-2011, 09:10 PM   #24
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Try putting the space heater on low or find an outlet that isn't on the same circuit. I have mine up exactly 20 inches, it really helps. If I'm on the roller it isn't enough to roll over though. I was hoping to go to 24 inches. I only don't like the first part of the jacking, one it is up i just go back and for a couple notches at time.

You removed the panel in the wheel well for the spark plugs...right? I'll admit unless on a 6 foot jack that engine most spark plug is a pain.
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Old 04-09-2012, 07:25 PM   #25
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i find febi good, especially to have it with rings already, but still its up to you what do you want. And febi quality is good and it really fit well.
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Old 04-10-2012, 03:25 AM   #26
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I have a full set of brand new Boxster wheel lug nuts from a 98 pm if interested.

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