The comments below may only apply to an M96 with exactly the same IMS-related tolerances as the hyundai beater cited.Your engine may be different - better or worse.That is the essence of the M96 IMS issue - multiple mechanical variations leading to unpredictable failure. Postmortems can give an explanation of some of the proximate causes of failure.Driving style is cited but only in a few of the contributory factors(e.g. acidity in lubricant).
The IMS research findings on this Forum are that M96 engines vary in critical dimensions and tolerances. The more adverse tolerances your engine has, the sooner the bearing will fail.
Chest-beating comments like 'drive it like you stole it' do not frighten out-of-round IMS tube measurements into obedient concentricity.
The recommendation below may hasten IMSB failure(and other weak components) but according to the recommendation below .the car will die happy. We may be muddling Mechanical Engineering and collective Forum wisdom with Anthropology ?
First, do no harm.
Second, find a competent,honest Indie.
It is all in Search.
Originally Posted by That986
Nothing brave about it. Take care of your car and it will take care of you. Regular oil changes and proper maintenance will keep it singing for years, or you can treat it like a Hyundai beater and watch it fail. My car has 103000 miles on it and done 10000 this year, it gets driven hard and gears don't get changed most of the time until after 4000 rpm. I use it like Porsche intended it to be used and love doing so, i believe that if you get out and actually drive a car it does it the world of good as things stay lubricated and spinning. As Magnus says "get out and drive" and i reckon that the happiest cars are getting exactly that.
As for the scaremongering that seems to happen on this forum about this subject it really needs to calm down as people are more than informed about their choices on this and don't need it ramming down their throat in an almost religious zealot fashion.