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Old 06-12-2015, 02:56 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Dlirium View Post
few weeks ago a the PCA LPR AX at Marina Airport, a BRZ and an FRS were both there and owned the boxsters like little girls...i was pretty surprised!
I seen similar but a lot of it came down to driver skill and car set up. I've seen Miatas and older Covettes own AX events but generally when you get the same skill level driver in similar set up cars the Boxster is quicker. In the end they are all awesome handling cars in the right hands. For me what kills it with the FRS/BRZ and Miata is lack of straight line speed. In daily driving both offer moderate straight line speed without beating on them. The average pickup truck is quicker off the line. For track/HPE days they both get walked by most cars.
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