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Old 02-18-2015, 03:42 PM   #107
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Join Date: May 2014
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Well done, & thanks for sharing.
I am just a few steps ahead of you in the process.I make far too many mistakes to share with everyone.It would be humiliating ;-).

A few hints for others.
1."Jugs" - Wiseco and others sell these(Jegs/Summit etc) 93mm. Use lots of oil.

2. I splurged on ARP bolts for the bearing carrier,rods and head. The OEM bolts were about the same price and imho inadequate. I am very impressed with ARP's material science/engineering. Their Marketing is questionable. I had to buy items intended for a 996 -they weren't sure if it would fit a 3.2l Boxster ! Now they know -from me!
The expert I found is:
Alex Crostic - Specialty Products Coordinator
Automotive Racing Products, Inc. (ARP)
Web: ARP | The Official Web Site
When you compare Porsche fasteners with ARP it is like a comparison between hardware store general purpose made-in-china. Sad but true.

3. John Edwards - Costa Mesa R&D Brilliant guy . I use him. He is a wonderful curmudgeon. Doesn't suffer fools. So don't expect Engineering/Machining 101 from him over the phone.He literally wrote the book on engine machining for Sunnen. You will be talking to a god.
Sunnen's Complete Cylinder Head and Engine Rebuilding Handbook: John G. Edwards: Books
He has lots of relevant videos on Porsche, Subaru, Fiat. If you want to impress him - talk to him about Zastava gearboxes for the 128. Pure porn for him! And sadly for me too .

hope this helps/amuses.Happy Boxster repairing.

Last edited by Gelbster; 11-05-2015 at 06:20 PM.
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