05-09-2012, 11:04 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Freeport, New York
Posts: 471
Originally Posted by ferrytrip1
Question: Does the motor just keep turning until the limit switches tell it to stop?
Yes. In your '02 Boxster, there are two microswitches INSIDE the driver's (left) side transmission and a 360 degree gear.
If so If I remove the cables will this be a good indication that the motor is OK - It may have a flatspot or other damage.
After you remove the drive cables from the sides of the electric motor, you should be able to see the small, square output flanges spinning when you apply 12 volts to the electric motor (whether by means of the switch or a 12 volt battery). These electric motors do sometimes get "dead spots", but that is not a very common occurrence.
Appreciate thoughts, pointers, advice what to do next to investigate the cause. Right now the top is closed but the light is on.
Where will I find photos to aid in removing the arms / rods if I need to remove the top transmissions?
Take a look at this link for photos and instructions on how to remove the transmissions: installinga'03-'04glasstopandframeona'97 - mikefocke2
Specifically look at the Part II PDF at pages 18 to 22. (Note that the transmissions shown in that DIY are the "A Version" transmissions, and yours are the "B Version" transmissions but that the removal/installation process is identical, except that in yours, you have to first disconnect the plug that goes into the front of the driver's side transmission--- the transmission in which the two limit microswitches are contained).
If I remove the hex bolt from the pushh rod on each side will the the top should move by itself - is this manual mode?
No, that's a "messy" way to do it. For manual mode, disconnect the plastic ball cups (one red and one white on your particular Boxster) or unbolt the 10mm bolt with fat washer to separate the two parts of the front pushrods. Either one will allow the convertible top canvas and its frame to move manually. For the clamshell to move manually, you have to disconnect the black "hydraulic" pushrods.
Is the "boomerang2 control lever threaded - I assume so.
No, there is a keyway behind the V-lever that fits into the female slot in the center of the transmission.
The driver side rod has has a white cap, passenger a red cap.
The white plastic ball cups are the updated, more durable, version of the red plastic ball cups.
Removeing hte hex bolt will clarify is the top has a resriction and can take the load of the transmission so I might be able to cycle it that way and also identify if both sides are bing driven by the motor - is this right?
Yes. Once you disconnect the front pushrods (by using one of the two methods above), and the rear black pushrods, you can then see if the V-levers rotate freely while they are still attached to the transmissions. Be careful not to allow the dangling pushrods (once they are disconnected) to dig into the foam drain trays.
Thanks, Simon
Regards, Maurice.
Last edited by schoir; 05-09-2012 at 11:06 AM.
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