Purchased my first Porsche- 2000 Boxster S with 103,000. 2nd owner traded it in for a Caddy. Each of the first two owners had it for 50k. Both sold when their respective warranties ran out. I have complete records for the last 50k miles- well maintained, lots of the relatively big stuff done before I got her (water pump, front engine mount).
Had a PPI done by the local Porsche dealer- some seals leaking (but not the IMS or RMS). However, immediately took it to an independent who works almost exclusively on Boxsters and had a new IMS bearing and RMS seal along with a bunch of other stuff- basically zero lined the maintenance. The IMS bearing was double row, was in good shape- obviously the grease seals were leaking and it seeped motor oil for a few weeks as it sat on my work bench aging so it can become a paper weight in my office.
Now down to one small leak in the transmission pan. BTW, it is an automatic, but I get a lot of fun driving it in manual mode and shifting on the steering wheel. My independent mechanic told me to drive it hard and now that I have the IMS solved for a few years, I do that, wandering the Tampa area looking for abandoned undeveloped sub divisions with nice roads but no houses..
As most newbies do, I worried about the IMS, even after I had it replaced, but I am past that now. It is a blast to drive, too bad there aren't many hills in central Florida.
Since this was the first year of the Boxster S, I feel an obligation to have a long term relationship with her and keep her original and on the road. I got it at a relative bargain price knowing I would have to sink a few $K into her to get her up to where she deserved to be and I am good with that strategy.