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Conversation Between Kenny Boxster and Homeboy981
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Homeboy981
    06-01-2012 06:10 AM - permalink
    O.K. Kenny, You got a bunch of DFW members - now what do we do? Want to have a parade? How about a workshop? Of course, we will have products to recommend but we can offer something every Boxster will need to do…such as bleed the brakes (I have a Power Bleeder), Set Up Tips, Shop Talk, Intake and Exhaust Q&A (have Pro Speed guy come out and explain the benefits of his deal). He also had stuff he does not advertise such as bumpers and such. It would be good, once we get a bunch of people, to have him meet with our numbers….then he will more actively find the "deals" we need.

    Congrats on being a grad! Now, as they say, after school your life really begins!

    We are going to Nickelback tonight. BTW I decided to paint my console, bumperettes, dash panels, A/C trim, etc. Not sure how it is going to look. It DOES NOT look good now with primer and a couple coats on it! EEEK Did I ruin my car?

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