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Conversation Between JFP in PA and Wilson01S
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Wilson01S
    06-21-2013 11:32 AM - permalink
    Hey JFP- I am in need of some expert advice as I am right in the middle of reassembly and I confused myself in regard to timing. I posted in my thread, but havent received an answer so far.

    Will the index marks on the intake cams always be opposite from bank 1-3 to bank 4-6? Or will they always be the same?

    If bank 1-3 on my car is at TDC and the exhaust marks are parallel with the cam cover seam- the intake mark is facing outward.

    But at the same time its the exact same way on cylinder 4-6?

    I have to be 360 out?
  2. Wilson01S
    05-30-2013 10:51 AM - permalink
    Hey JFP- quick question that I know you will be able to help me with. Do I need to remove the brass(?) plugs in the ends of the camshaft in order to install the holding tool? I removed the green plugs for the ends of the cams, but there does not seem to be any way to thread in the holding tool into the cams themselves.

    Thanks for any help!

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