Moderated Social Group
North Texas Boxster Enthusiasts
A non-exclusive group of members located in the DFW area who enjoy driving and working on their cars!
Showing Discussions 7 of 7
Last Post
Help with top?
It's time to replace the top (or the plastic rear window). I'd rather do the whole top and get a...
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04-25-2015 01:19 PM
Boxstoberfest 2013
Sent out emails and pms regarding a meetup for anyone going down to Boxstoberfest. DFW...
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08-05-2013 08:01 PM
May 4th Meetup
Hey guys,
I sent a message to all forum members in our group about a Spring meet-up.
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05-01-2013 10:29 AM
December Workshop/Meet
Hey guys,
It's my pleasure to announce a group meeting for our members! We are having our first...
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12-16-2012 09:07 AM
We will host our meeting on a secluded a ranch in Mckinney, Texas- free of traffic and annoyances....
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11-12-2012 07:45 AM
by rp17
09-28-2012 07:06 PM
Car Lifts for rent
Hey Guys
On my way to work this morning and I saw a ad for Garage bay rentals. Checked out the...
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10-18-2012 03:33 AM
DFW Boxster Owners Question
Hi Guys, Been seeing you on the road. Was wondering who you guys are using and/or would use for...
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07-29-2012 03:40 PM
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