hey y'all:
In the spirit of racerboy's hankook thread (but not wanting to hijack it) I thought i.d start another discussion here about another favorite tire.... and some questions.
So I bought a set of these NT01's for the PCA HPDE last weekend. I was VERY impressed with them, as far af their grip goes. Especially when they start to slide: so incredibly predictable and tractable. I loved them for that.
I mentioned in another thread that they were slipping around the wheel. This is somewhat disconcerting, but set that aside for a moment.
Here's my "concern", such as it is: so many people are saying they "wear like iron", and have lasted an entire season for some. But you'll see below the photos I just took. This wear is from a total of (5) 20 minute sessions. It seems like I might get 3 more Sessions out of them, tops. ??
What am I missing?
I'm running 225/45/17 and 255/40/17
3d negative camber in front, and maxed out at -2.35d in rear.
I started at 28psi, cold, and kept bleeding down to 34psi f&r.

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