Hello, a few days ago I took 2 fuses out of my car both for the alarm module, it didn't fix my problem so I put them back in and drove to my apartment. No problems.
The next day I turned on my car, started up fine. Then I tried to move, my car stalled out. I pushed the Throttle all the way to the ground and nothing happened, my engine speed stayed at idle and I have now trapped other people in the parking garage why I try and push my car to a close parking spot.
I ran an OBD2 even though no check engine light showed up and I got the code "P1502" which it says is a throttle jacking unit, I don't know what this is,or how to fix it.
I believe the fuses where B8 and C3 but I could be wrong.
Any help, or insight would be Greatly appreciated.