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Old 10-31-2009, 12:47 AM   #1
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Exclamation Need Help! Royaly Screwed!!


Ok guys, so here is the deal and I still don't know what to do.

On September 1st, 2009 I was segregated. pulled over, and harassed by a Police officer from the neighboring town (Orland Hills). I was just coming home from school around 11am, traveling eastbound on a 4 lane street (2 lanes each way) I was in the right lane. Off the corner on the northside of the street I was traveling a cop had a black couple in a white older civic hatchback pulled over. I made my right hand turn south at the light, went up 6 blocks and saw police lights passing 4 cars that turned behind me.. and pulled me over. The street I was on (traveling east) was the dividing line for my town (Tinley Park) and the town this police officer served (Orland Hills) He chased me down 6 blocks into my own town.

After he pulled me over he harassed me and threatened to arrest me. His reason for pulling me over, Squealing tires. Now I had my convertible top down, no music, and 3 cars turned behind me. I didnt squeal my tires. No one did.

I was to the point where I actually called my towns nonemergency number and had them send a squad car out because I felt uncomfortable from my treatment. After the cop gave me the ticket, I had to follow him back to his station/village hall to pay my $75 bond in cash.

Outside the building... he changed his attitude and told me that if I originally told him that I coach football (peewees) for that town (Orland Hills) he would not have wrote me a ticket.

I went in, paid my bond... then decided to talk to the Deputy Chief of Police for Orland Hills.... and guess what. He harassed me and treated me like a little punk with a rap sheet a mile long. I honestly wish I recorded the conversation as he would now be suspended for the way he yelled at me and what he said to me. Also a harassment lawsuit.

Now I have been pulled over around 20 times because of my age (19) and my car (my Boxster) Never have I been treated the way I have and I knew it was wrong. Being young I do expect to be looked down upon and targeted because of my age and car to some extent. This was just overboard and I would never go above and beyond to do what I did next without good reason. I went and filed 2 formal complaints, one for the officer and one for the deputy chief.

I then talked to the Village Manager... explained what happened. He told me he would take care of the ticket and not to worry about it.

FAST FORWARD TO Yesterday....

I received a letter in the mail from guess who??? None other than the Secretary of the State saying that because of that ticket (squealing tires) and a speeding ticket I got over 14months ago....

MY LICENSE IS TO BE SUSPENDED FOR 1 MONTH... guess when? 11/03/09-12/03/09. I got the letter 5 days before my license is to be suspended.

Now my problem.
I never got a court date on the ticket.
I was harassed. Two times.
I was told the ticket would disappear.
I filed 2 formal complaints.
The video evidence from the squad car will support me.

With out my license... I will FAIL this entire semester of school that I paid for. (I drive to my school that is 15 miles away 7-9 times a week) Also I WILL LOSE MY JOB because I cant drive.

Now I only have 3 days left to do something about it.

The back of the sheet said I have to go back to the courts where the ticket was done to appeal it or challenge it... but how do I do that? I had no court date, no judge, or anything.

I already went back to the Village Manager and the Mayor... guess what, they were both in down town Chicago for depositions. I left a message yesterday morning... 2 days now went by, and no word back.

WHAT DO I DO??? Do I get a lawyer? Do I file harassment suits? How do I stop this from happening???

Any help or anyone in the chicagoland area who know a good lawyer or can do me a favor would have my deepest gratitude and I would owe them a few. Remember, I honestly was targeted because of my car and my age.... and now Im getting the shaft out of no where again. Ohhh the joys of being 19 going on 20.

Last edited by PlayersExpress; 10-31-2009 at 12:53 AM.
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Old 10-31-2009, 04:17 AM   #2
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hire a lawyer for sure. he may be able to get the suspension lifted or get you a provisional license to travel to/from school and work. with only a few days left though it might be hard to do. but yes a lawyer for sure.
"Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... that's what gets you."
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Old 10-31-2009, 05:23 AM   #3
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19 and pulled over 20 times? that might be a reason. get a lawyer and hope hes good
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Old 10-31-2009, 06:12 AM   #4
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Get an attorney. It's possible that with your explaination of treatment from law enforcement, if you go to the court house they might just arrest you for failure to appear.
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Old 10-31-2009, 06:28 AM   #5
Fred Demara
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the 1st question a good attorney will ask you is what is your past driving record like.

Your age and what you drive might have gotten you pulled over 2 or 3 times unfairly...BUT 20 TIMES??? At age 16 I drove a 1973 240z - I was pulled over once - and learned my lesson.

Once your past driving record is brought up, your word against this policeman's isn't going to work.

Time to start thinking about public transportation - buy a good bicycle, learn the bus and train lines...

...if you go into court claiming all those pull overs were because your were 19, they'll go harder on you....instead, think about taking an aggressive drivers training class - if you show up to court with a certificate that you finished a class like this, and take personal accountability for your driving, they might go easier on you.

And get the best attorney you can afford.

Originally Posted by PlayersExpress

Now I have been pulled over around 20 times because of my age (19) and my car (my Boxster)
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Old 10-31-2009, 11:39 AM   #6
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You may not believe it, but yes I have been pulled over that many time and most of them either were for harassment tickets that ended up being dropped in court or just to check my license and registration. Ive only had one ticket on my record which was a speeding ticket for being 7mph over the speedlimit on a highway.

It isnt the way I drive, and yes I can blame it on my age and my car.
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Old 10-31-2009, 11:47 AM   #7
Fred Demara
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I do believe you've been pulled over that many times, but it wasn't for harassment - it was your driving. But it doesn't matter if I believe it - any sane judge & juror won't believe you, with your record.

My understanding is, in Chicago, it's 3 strikes - not two...are you sure there's not a ticket you're not telling us about? for them to pull your license, you had to be driving recklessly, or have more tickets from your 20 pull-overs.

Originally Posted by PlayersExpress
You may not believe it...
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Old 10-31-2009, 11:58 AM   #8
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Nope, not at all on the driving. Just like some people have won the lottery two times in a row, its nearly impossible to believe but its happened. Same thing with being pulled over as many times as I have. I only have one ticket on my record besides this "squealing tires".

I just got a copy of my driving record 3 weeks ago for my new job and that was the only thing on it. Also the sheet informing me about the suspension only had that speeding ticket and the squealing tires on it and said


1. 8-22-08 SPEEDING 5-15MPH OVER

Many people would say its my driving habits, but it isnt for someone who rarely speeds and loves the right lane like it was my long lost puppy.
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Old 10-31-2009, 12:28 PM   #9
Fred Demara
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Originally Posted by PlayersExpress
Many people would say its my driving habits, but it isnt for someone who rarely speeds and loves the right lane like it was my long lost puppy.
hmmmm, adam, very odd here - you're statement above doesn't match you're statements on this board from the past. I don't think you're being very truthful with us...sadly, until you stop blaming others (ie, "the man") and start taking some personal accountability, you're going to get pulled over again, lose your license longer, or worse, hurt someone.

Originally Posted by PlayersExpress
Well some states like Illinois have whats called an "Engine Braking" Law which means flooring it from 0-45 will result in a ticket if caught. .
Originally Posted by PlayersExpress
Boxster101, personally I think he doesnt give Porsche drivers a bad name, we ALL do it ...

driving isn't a right, it's a privilege, and your privilege is being taken away because the state has determined that you are a risk to yourself, and others...time to learn and grown from the message they are sending you, if not for your own health, but for those you share the road with.
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Old 10-31-2009, 12:40 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Fred Demara
driving isn't a right, it's a privilege, and your privilege is being taken away because the state has determined that you are a risk to yourself, and others...time to learn and grown from the message they are sending you, if not for your own health, but for those you share the road with.

So because I was targeted and harassed, which video evidence from the squad car would prove, I lose my license because Im a risk to myself and others for being harassed and making a public nuisance.

That sounds so right does it not?

Unlike some people, I may talk a game yes because Ive been an athlete all my life but also remember not to underestimate me for my intelligence. I know right from wrong and when I can let lose and when not to do something stupid.

I have a 3.85GPA with 21 credit hours (normal full-time is 12-15hrs) I scored a 34 on my ACT a few years back, I turned down a full ride to Stanford, and now I go to Loyola University.

I believe it is you sir that need a lesson in open-mindedness and one who should take a step back and not pre-judge someone before you actually know more about them. How would you feel if the exact same thing happened to you? Now how would you feel if I took the same tone and attitude with you as you are with me? I rest my case.
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Old 10-31-2009, 12:44 PM   #11
Fred Demara
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You're young, in denial, and taking your life, and the live of others at risk. Pulled over 20 times and someone as smart as you claim to be can't see that the problem isn't you?

I just pray that you don't hurt someone before you grow up...this next month will be a good time to do some reflecting, and think about what it means to drive more responsibly.

Originally Posted by PlayersExpress
So because I was targeted and harassed, which video evidence from the squad car would prove, I lose my license because Im a risk to myself and others for being harassed and making a public nuisance.
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Old 10-31-2009, 12:47 PM   #12
Fred Demara
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Originally Posted by PlayersExpress
Now how would you feel if I took the same tone and attitude with you as you are with me?
A police officer did when I was 16, and he got thru to me - at first, it felt like harassement, but then I realized, he was trying to help me.

Common sense isn't something you should get upset about. And an officer trying to explain to you that you could kill someone isn't harrasment, he's trying to save your life, even if you can't understand it now, adam.

Last edited by Fred Demara; 10-31-2009 at 12:54 PM.
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Old 10-31-2009, 01:02 PM   #13
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Dude, No offense (which means I will probably offend you) but, You need to change your driving habits, residence, or just sell the car. 20 times pulled over is just stupid. Even if half were harrassment, statistics alone say you get away with 80% of your crimes of driving and that means you broke the law at least 20 times per each stop(give or take a few).

With that said, you should get a lawyer, if you cannot afford one... (JK), you can call down and see if there is a weekend class or community service you can take inlieu of points. I do wish you luck, but you and your car are apparently "Marked". You can most likely get driving privledges for school and work. Forget about a jury's or judge's sympathy. You drive a porsche and they don't so you deserve everything you get to them. You need to learn to game the system. In my town, ed and me are great fishing buddies, oh by the way ed is the local PD sarge and he likes miller lite (free miller lite that is).

Good luck and remember, you control your own destiny!
I'll take my Guns, Religion, and Money; You can keep the "CHANGE" B.O.!!


Last edited by mptoledo; 10-31-2009 at 01:07 PM.
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Old 10-31-2009, 01:23 PM   #14
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I don't get this the only place I've ever gotten my tires to do this is on the track at high speed through a 180 sweep that was slightly off camber. I've yet to have this happen on my Boxster on the street or back road twisties. All I can say is you must have done something to get attention to yourself and if you didn't switch to PZero's and paint your Box a light color.
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Old 10-31-2009, 01:36 PM   #15
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When I was 17, my first car was a Corvette. I was pulled over twice, both times an appropriate bust. Never again pulled over.

Now, what are the chances of that happening?

Harrassment? What harrassment.
Rich Belloff

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Old 10-31-2009, 01:43 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by PlayersExpress
At only 19, you're not old enough to use the cheers emoticon

Seriously though, definitely hire an attny whose is known (a/k/a connected) w/ the jurisdiction you live/must appear in.

Also, seriously consider changing your car and driving habits to become severely more conservative than you think you already are. There are some of us on the board who have 7, 8, 9, 10 or more times the years driving experience than you possibly could at 19. As one of those, who is a known fast/aggressive driver logging 20-25K miles per year, I can honestly tell you I have been pulled over 7 times total in my driving history. 4 resulted in citations, 3 were "earned", 1 wasn't but I had to just suck it up and pay (out of state and not worth the hassle plus 0 pts to my home state).

Glad to hear you're a good student. Keep at it b/c it will pay off for you in the future. Think 4 for 40.

Good luck
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Old 10-31-2009, 02:53 PM   #17
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I appreciate how people believe I have bad driving habits or Im not as conservative as I say. Honesty is a rare thing in this world, but ignorance is bliss and in abundance.

Ive never squealed my tires... my Falken FK-452 285/40/17s Pretty close to track tires. Now couple that with making a 15mph right hand turn on a warm summer day, warmed up tires, and no elements.
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Old 10-31-2009, 03:54 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by PlayersExpress
I appreciate how people believe I have bad driving habits or Im not as conservative as I say. Honesty is a rare thing in this world, but ignorance is bliss and in abundance.

Ive never squealed my tires... my Falken FK-452 285/40/17s Pretty close to track tires. Now couple that with making a 15mph right hand turn on a warm summer day, warmed up tires, and no elements.
When you bring your problems to a forum of strangers, who were not there to see what happened, you are going to get mixed reactions. Suck it up that's a part of growing up. It appears to me that you have been given some advice here and I can't understand what more you are expecting. It seems to me that, as some people have suggested, your option is to hire an attorney to represent you and provide you with a venue to tell your story and try to legally get you off, or a reduced sentence. For you to have so many altercations with the law, you have to admit, does seem to point the finger at your doing something to get attention. I got a ticket the first week I had a license, got a suspension for a month and never got another ticket until I was in my late forties and I was a wild child, I just knew where to be wild and where not.
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Old 10-31-2009, 05:07 PM   #19
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Onshore provides solid advice. As a wise man once said: "that which goes not kill me, makes me stronger!"
Rich Belloff

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Old 10-31-2009, 05:17 PM   #20
Fred Demara
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you're previous posts show you're not honest about this, and your driving style.

when your case comes up, you're going to say the same thing the 200 kids before you said..."your honor, they harassed me, and pulled me over because I was 19"....then the judge will ask you about the 20 other times, and the court room will start laughing at you.

Bring a camera to court...and please post the dashboard video here - if it was harassment, I'll paypal you 500bucks...

Originally Posted by PlayersExpress
I appreciate how people believe I have bad driving habits or Im not as conservative as I say. Honesty is a rare thing in this world, but ignorance is bliss and in abundance.

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