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Old 01-20-2009, 10:58 AM   #1
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$1 a gallon gas this summer!!!!

Now that Obama's in office.... right? Rrrrrright....

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Old 01-20-2009, 11:05 AM   #2
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Well at least our energy policy won't be "Cheney's secret"... Bush couldn't match today's crowd without another 911, those people are in Washington today in part due to Bush fatigue..
Old 01-20-2009, 04:26 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by bmx672
Now that Obama's in office.... right? Rrrrrright....

Depends. If he helps tank the economy even more, a buck might be about right.

Lets watch those Dems spend the money we don't have. Ought to be awesome.

Rich Belloff

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Old 01-20-2009, 04:30 PM   #4
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[QUOTE=Brucelee]Depends. If he helps tank the economy even more, a buck might be about right.

Lets watch those Dems spend the money we don't have. Ought to be awesome.


Bush = double digit spending increases, whose money was he using?

Doesn't matter, we hate each other in this country, I'd be happy to see it divided back in half...
Old 01-20-2009, 04:37 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Brucelee
Depends. If he helps tank the economy even more, a buck might be about right.

Lets watch those Dems spend the money we don't have. Ought to be awesome.


Bush = double digit spending increases, whose money was he using?

Doesn't matter, we hate each other in this country, I'd be happy to see it divided back in half...

I was not referring to GWB, whose fiscal policies are not at issue. He is done, and in some sense, we might be too. I won't defend him but it is, what it is.

I am more worried about what WILL happen to us rather than the past. The US has a 50 Trillion IOU out there and it did not all happen on GWB's watch. Plenty of blame to go around. BO is getting to give me the old screw job, ie reduce SS income just as I think about getting to take it.

As far as hating any other part of this country, speak for yourself, not me.

Rich Belloff

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Old 01-20-2009, 07:06 PM   #6
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Bruce Lee...your type of comment keeps it going

The blame game.....assign fault and bias...make complex things simple.

You don't want things divided yet your inflaming comments about what the democrats are going to do does just that. As YOU said, plenty of blame to go around. We've spent a lot more than we've taken in in the last eight years. To Damn the people trying to figure out whats next is not admirable.

If you havent noticed, we have a few more problems than your SS right now, and we need some courageous and smart people to make the right moves. and by the way, I am a Republican.

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Old 01-20-2009, 07:13 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by sparkycrash
The blame game.....assign fault and bias...make complex things simple.

You don't want things divided yet your inflaming comments about what the democrats are going to do does just that. As YOU said, plenty of blame to go around. We've spent a lot more than we've taken in in the last eight years. To Damn the people trying to figure out whats next is not admirable.

If you havent noticed, we have a few more problems than your SS right now, and we need some courageous and smart people to make the right moves. and by the way, I am a Republican.

How is what I said inflamming? If you found it so, it might say more about you than me. What I said was that I fear what Obama might do. That is simply so. If you don't fear it, you don't. Fine with me.

I haven't dammed anyone. You need to go back and read what I wrote.

To me, my SS is important. I have paid into that system against my will for over 45 years, so I expect SOMETHING back. Do you suggest that this is some way inappropriate????? Should I just forget about it because BO thinks he has a better way?????

When you find the 'courageous and intelligent" people with the magic answer give me a call. I will be the first one to applaud.

However, having watched these pols for the better part of my life, I am appropriately skeptical.

Rich Belloff

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Old 01-20-2009, 07:25 PM   #8
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This is what I see, Bruce..hence my post

"Lets watch those Dems spend the money we don't have. Ought to be awesome"

"BO is getting to give me the old screw job"

Enough said
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Old 01-20-2009, 07:46 PM   #9
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Everyone is acting like Obama is going to pull out his magic wand and everything is going to great. Our financial situation in this country is in the crapper and Obama is going to take another $750B and flush it down the toilet. When will the bleeding stop and let the nature progression of failure start? Let new company's start where these blood suckers left off.

Bailing out private company's is BS! If they failed to secure their company's future before, whose to say they won't blow this money? All they're going to do is shore up their retirement accounts that were lost in the market and then retire to some island, laughing all the way. And we the tax payer will be left with no jobs, no healthcare, no home and no one will give a ********************!

Brucelee, give'em hell.
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Old 01-20-2009, 08:16 PM   #10
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Obama has already reneged on just about every promise he made on the campaign trail. Hmmm... another Politician merely telling us what we want to hear?

Change?? Seems like the only way to get a job in DC these days is to either be an ex-clinton staffer, or a tax cheat! Biden (2nd longest sitting member of the Senate) is change? Hillary (with no transparency of Foreign contributions to Bill's 'Foundation - just watch... this will be Obama's 'Haliburton') is change? Richardson is change? (ooops, I forgot, Richardson is under indictment...Obama's 1st scandal?) Panetta is change? Timothy Geithner, nominated as Sec. of Treasury (overall executive in charge of, amongst other things, the IRS, cheated on $34k in taxes) is change?

Prison at Gitmo decision delayed. War to continue, except this time in Afganistan (think Iraq is a 100 yr. war? Just ask any Soviet about Afganistan). Middle class tax cut - delayed. Bush Tax cuts (tax breaks for the Rich) - not repealed as promised, but instead will be allowed to expire in 2010...maybe. Chu (sec. of energy nominee) calling nuclear power 'evil', and on and on.

Admittedly, the country as a whole is despondent after 8 yrs. of GWB, justified or not (perspective), and the country was prepared to elect a blind, deaf, one-legged dog named 'Lucky' rather than any GOP candidate. But, the fact is that Obama is untested and insulated from criticism by the 'Race' cloak he wears. People are more enamored by the thought of Obama than actual fact... the realities bear this out.

Well, he has a lot to live up to, and a lot of problems to solve. Whatever your thoughts, he's the guy now and we all have to hope that he is up to the job - our futures depend on it!

Use your brain and the facts - not the soundbites and commentaries from network talking heads.

If he's up to the job, it will become apparent soon enough. If not, don't allow a herd mentality or racial guilt to blind you of that fact! Currently, you may support him or oppose him. But, only time will prove you right... or wrong.

If Obama wants a 2nd term (and what President doesn't), make him earn it, don't simply give him a pass because 'at least he's not GWB', that arguement now belongs to history.
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Last edited by Lil bastard; 01-21-2009 at 08:20 AM.
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Old 01-20-2009, 09:05 PM   #11
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I'm just excited to have a president that can speak well.

As a former physicist, it killed me to listen to the leader of the free world mis-pronounce the word nuclear (he said nu-cu-lar for 8 years, and either no one dared correct him, or he just didn't care that he was making us all look stupid).

Barack Obama is a really really smart guy, with a huge challenge ahead of him. I really believe he's going to do the right thing, and make the best of the situation we're in.
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Old 01-20-2009, 09:49 PM   #12
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The joy of cheap gas

Dirt-Cheap Gas in 2009: Be Careful What You Wish For

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Old 01-21-2009, 02:56 AM   #13
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BO has given a lot of people hope and that is good. It seems though, that his policies will turn this once proud country into a socialistic state and isn't that what we fought the last two world wars about. I am neither a R or a D but a Conserative. I was talking to a friend of mine who thinks that BO is better than God. I asked him where the money will come from to implement the proposals and he said that BO will just print more. I then asked him if debt and greed weren't some of the underlying causes of the Recession and the answer was ,"You can't stop now". So much for BO's supporters views. Ed
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Old 01-21-2009, 03:17 AM   #14
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Like it or not, Obama is our President now. How about we give it a couple of years and then talk about the results of (or lack of) what he did instead of trying to talk about what you think (or what you want to think) he is going to do. The latter is purely a waste of time.
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Old 01-21-2009, 04:39 AM   #15
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What I was doing with this thread guys is illustrating that it's pretty absurd to think that ONE MAN can influence the world economy.

When gas hits $3+ a gallon next time, on Obama's watch, you better believe I'm going to mention it to all of his supporters that previously blamed GW for the spike. I'm going to complain that Obama's "in bed" with the oil companies.

By the way, when GW let the off-shore drilling ban expire gas went down overnight... that's without even drilling. Opec does not want competition. Now wait untill "The grat one" puts the ban back in place... prices will go up... big deal, more tax $ for the government anyway right.
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Old 01-21-2009, 05:31 AM   #16
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The problem is that govt. earns or produces no wealth!! Period... It only can confiscate it, under the threat of violence, then spend it on itself. Take the gas tax that was meant to maintain roads, bridges etc. It was removed from that dedicated fund and placed in the general fund for, WHAT? Salary increases and new "programs".

Socialism, Communism, Progressive Liberal Secularism, Environmentalism, all don't work. Been tried before all over the world. Put down the NYTimes and check out some history. This is the richest country on earth because people were free to pursue their own best interests thus creating a climate where others could also prosper. The "Rich" do the hiring and investing that creates jobs that create the wealth that govt. is so dependent upon for it's revenue. When was the last time a person was hired by a poor guy??? Anybody out there?

The reason Obama is being questioned is because he champions large govt. spending and Socialist ideas. Damn straight I and others will criticize that as we have a RIGHT to do so. I will wait and see what this pres. does in reality but I happen to believe what he says. I believed what both Bush pres said, from "Read my lips" to "No child left behind" and found them both wanting. The spending under both of these presidents went up. Clinton spent but not as much.

The worst thing was Pres. Johnson's raiding of the SocSec money to fund the "Great Society" which established the monstrous federal bureaucracy that we now enjoy. We certainly don't need more of that if we are to stay a free people. Obama seems to be proposing larger govt. We will wait and see.

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Old 01-21-2009, 06:05 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by sparkycrash
"Lets watch those Dems spend the money we don't have. Ought to be awesome"

"BO is getting to give me the old screw job"

Enough said

The above is called a PREDICTION, based on what has been said so far by the Democratic party leaders and BO himself. I will be delighted if they prove me wrong and enact a sound economic and energy platform.

Color me cynical.

If that is damning someone, then so be it.

Rich Belloff

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Old 01-21-2009, 06:09 AM   #18
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The worst thing was Pres. Johnson's raiding of the SocSec money to fund the "Great Society" which established the monstrous federal bureaucracy that we now enjoy. We certainly don't need more of that if we are to stay a free people. Obama seems to be proposing larger govt. We will wait and see.

Yes, and instead of anyone thanking those of us who funded the "great society"
we are normally bashed and told, "you haven't done enough!"

Makes you want to give until it hurts, right?
Rich Belloff

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Old 01-21-2009, 06:13 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Jump
Like it or not, Obama is our President now. How about we give it a couple of years and then talk about the results of (or lack of) what he did instead of trying to talk about what you think (or what you want to think) he is going to do. The latter is purely a waste of time.

As is most of politics, a waste of time.

However, when it comes to the matter of what Obama might do, I am more alert. Seems these polititicians take out money, very often we find out about it AFTER the fact.

So, I am staying on red alert. In the end, likely all I can do IS complain.

Rich Belloff

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Old 01-21-2009, 06:17 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by bmx672
What I was doing with this thread guys is illustrating that it's pretty absurd to think that ONE MAN can influence the world economy.

When gas hits $3+ a gallon next time, on Obama's watch, you better believe I'm going to mention it to all of his supporters that previously blamed GW for the spike. I'm going to complain that Obama's "in bed" with the oil companies.

By the way, when GW let the off-shore drilling ban expire gas went down overnight... that's without even drilling. Opec does not want competition. Now wait untill "The grat one" puts the ban back in place... prices will go up... big deal, more tax $ for the government anyway right.

Very valid points. On the price issue, S and D works, short and long term. I think you see that very clearly when folks decided they would or could not buy as much gas as they did previously. Price of oil is still in free fall. Good for us, bad for them.

If BO or anyone for that matter restricts supply in any way, the price will respond.

I do predict however, that BO will go for a huge tax increase on gas, citing the usual liberal litany of good reasons why this makes so much sense.

Hope I am wrong.

Rich Belloff

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