well if the car is not TOO dirty, my method is one bucket with grit guard using
Optimum No Rinse. Just a quick wipe down with a natural sea sponge or grout sponges... you don't need to go the full on sudsy car wash every time. Actually for a daily driven car too much washing is bad for the clear coat. I would not to wash more than once or twice a month and just use the No Rinse for weekly wipe downs. I do the paint first and with the left over water I use a Meguiar's Gold Class wheel face brush to clean the wheels.
I use the big Home Depot paint buckets that hold like Five gallons with 2 or 3 ounces of No Rinse mixed in. I finish off with a spray of FK 425 to ward off soot.
advice: spend your money on high quality towels, keep a rubbermaid container full with 20-40 waffle weave towels in different colors for different sections of the car. One for paint, one for interior cleanining and glass, one for leather, one for wheels. Try
Chemicalguys.com or
https://986forum.com/forums/Poorboysworld.com you can get good towels for $4 per towel, I try not to spend more than that... not necessary.