Actually, you will never see real data on ANY issue from ANY manufacturer on defect rates. So, conjecture is what folks have to go on. Now, in a class action law suit, maybe a manufacturer coughs up some data.
Specific to the IMS issue, to my knowledge, Porsche ALWAYS replaces the entire engine when this happens. I don't believe a repair is viable.
BTW- I never said nor inferred that the Boxster engine is the worst engine ever designed. Far from it, it is a nice piece of efficient machinery.
However, I can tell you that as a guy that has spent a TON of time at the local Porsce dealer service bays, they are taking engines and tranny units out of cars all day long, every day of the year.
Whether it is the IMS or the RMS, something is making them remove the engine and trans units.
Now, I would wager some money that you don't see this in many other HP cars.
However, without data, WHO KNOWS?????????