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Old 12-06-2024, 08:35 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Rob175 View Post
Well, unfortunately for me, the correct "charcoal vapor canister" part (based on my VIN number) goes for about $1,000.

(note: The car is stored away for the winter so my conversation with my "indi" was just a conversation without actually scanning the car.)

Additionally, my "indi" suggests a couple of valves in the system should probably also be replaced at the same time because "they too are 25 yrs old, possibly problematic and as long as we're in there......".

I'm wondering if professional scanning equipment (much better than my little hand scanner) will also determine if those valves are working properly? Or, as the "indi" suggested, it was best to just replace the canister and the associated valves adjacent to the canister at the same time. (the valves are not very expensive (relatively speaking).
The valves and lines can be tested individually, but not by a scan tool, it requires getting your hands dirtty removing them, blowing air through them, and testing them electrically; you know: Diagnositcs, which mechanics do while parts swapers just replace things randomly, hoping for success...............
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