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Old 10-10-2024, 08:46 AM   #13
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Enough about the Sprintboopter
Originally Posted by SchuttsR1 View Post
Hello all,

This is my first Porsche and was wondering what sort of tuning options are out there? Reflashes are fine but I was wondering if there is a jumper harness out there to plug a stand alone ECU in? Something like a Haltech, ECU master, or Link.
SchuttsR1, As you may have noticed, there are not many good answers to your question. Is your goal more power or specifically tuning/stand alone ECU?

Over the years, there has been plenty of discussion about more power from more air and exhaust, reducing parasitic drain with PS delete and smaller crank pulley. The true gains have been noticeable, but still minimal when actually tested on a dyno. Neil made some great videos:

One of my non-street 986s has a 996 intake, tune, and headers. My butt-dyno says it's more torquey, but it may mostly be altering the range for the peak of the curve.

There was a supercharger kit produced for a while, but they are rare and again, the gains were minimal for the expense.

Engine swaps seem to be the best way to gain significant power in these cars.
I am not an attorney, mechanic, or member of the clergy. Following any advice given in my posts is done at your own peril.
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