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Old 07-31-2024, 06:22 AM   #14
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Join Date: Jul 2024
Location: Cambridge Ontario
Posts: 96
This is a great write up and plan on using it in a couple of weeks. I have never done it in a car but i did do it on a bench on a 996 Engine.

The two questions i have i hope the OP can answer , but you all may know by now .

1. To do dit in the car , how far does the car have to be off the ground to do it comfortably ? i get it would vary if Santa clause was doing it vs a Tim Burton character, but thought you guys might have some idea.
2. the turnbuckle looks interesting, where exactly are you bracing it on the cams ? would that be against the lock tool at the far end after fastening them to the cams ? i just am having trouble picturing it and how its used... I understand the principle as you have essentially built a press. just not sure where you are presing exactly.

Hopefully i have expressed my questions clearly, and since this is my first real post, i hope I have not broken any protocols.

cheers all .
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