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Old 06-19-2022, 05:03 PM   #30
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Originally Posted by NomNom View Post
Those are perfect. Im at 77096 if you want to get a shipping quote. Im going to try and get one myself. What's your zip? sorry new to the forum and need to learn how to do pm...
So, here's what happened. Shortly after seeing your post, I received a PM about shipping the wheels. I didn't notice that the user name was different and that it was someone else trying to score the wheels. Anyway, when I figured out shipping to California (his zip code) and the hassle of having the tires removed I decided it was too much trouble for the time that I had available. Since then, I've been working 12 hour shifts every day and haven't had time for much else. In the week ahead, I will have a few days off. I'm sending you a private message and may still be willing to work this out. Still, a local deal may be better if you can find one.
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