Thread: PCCM+ install
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Old 01-04-2021, 03:08 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Deibel View Post
Hello friends!

I'm a new 2004 Boxster S owner, and so far I'm really enjoying the car--so fun to drive, especially now that I got my car back from the shop after purchase! I like that you can fix so many things yourself as well--nice to be able to work on it.

I just wanted to let people know that I'm in the process of installing the PCCM+ on my own, and so far, so good. I relocated the A/C without too much trouble, and I'm now just waiting on the retaining bar and other replacement parts so that I can finally put the unit it. I have done a lot of research and hunting for videos and instructions, and so let me know if you have any questions. In the meantime, the best and most helpful videos are the following:

Piston Kirk's video -- good for relocating A/C and general stuff.
Good video with some helpful modifications to mic and breakout box placement.

PCCM+ install video on a 996 which I haven't watched.

I think the trickiest thing that I still haven't done yet because I'm waiting for shipment is the retaining bar and other stuff that you have to put in to switch from DIN1 to DIN2 size radios. I will be sure to update once those things come in. But from everything I've read, I'm reasonably confident that it shouldn't be too hard (hope I don't eat my words).

I'm not familiar with the acronym "PCCM", but if it makes you go faster, I'm in. :dance:
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