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Old 11-19-2020, 07:27 AM   #4
Who's askin'?
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Originally Posted by gonz View Post
I'm hopefully getting my new exhaust delivered today and I don't want to insult you with a lowball offer- what would be a reasonable amount?
well, there's probably only about $30 in materials...... but I had to BUY in Bulk for most of it..... haha. Then, I've got WEEEEEEEKS invested... waiting for the correct cable-ends from China... only to have them send the wrong ones, so more WEEEEKS waiting again.

then the cold nights in the garage, cutting, stripping, soldering, .....

(I'm trying to paint a picture of how valuable these are... and it's just coming-off as silly. so I've embraced it )

How about $50 including shipping to the cont. U.S. ?
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