I just got my car back from the PCCM+ install. The system works great, Apple Car play + Siri works as expected, and audio sounds good. the one issue the installer will be fixing is that they left the CD holder in the center console (which is weird since the PCCM+ does not have a CD player), but they are fixing this at no charge so this is good.
The question I have for the group is on the orientation of the equipment in the center console. I remember seeing an installation video when I was thinking about getting the PCCM+ where the orientation was PCCM+, HVAC controls, Lower cubby. But all the current videos I see are PCCM+, Cubby, HVAC. Is there any reason why the orientation cannot be PCCM+, HVAC, Cubby? Will the HVAC controls only fit in the 4th (Bottom) position and not the 3rd? it seems that the hvac controls will be challenging to operate if it is at the Bottom - but perhaps that is the price of progress?
Thanks - Rick