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Old 10-04-2020, 09:29 AM   #3
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Join Date: Jul 2018
Location: Palo Alto, California
Posts: 59
Ok sorry if this is obvious, but...

For many basic engine services on the boxster, the mechanic has to put the top into the service position.

To get even better access, the mechanic may also choose to disconnect the rear arms holding the top in place. This lets the mechanic get the top even more up and out of the way.

The latter is what can cause the top mechanism to bind, which can then break things. He can mess up all kind of stuff when doing this - he can get the top off track, he can break the pivots built into the top, he can forget to reinstall clips, he can force the top back down when it isn't sitting true, etc. All of this can cause the top to bind the next time either he or you tries to move it. Then havoc ensues.

So I would guess that what happened is he disconnected and reconnected the top arms, got them out of alignment which caused the mechanism to bind up, which would then cause the top transmission to shear off its gears. I think it's unlikely that a cable would also break.

My opinion is that you brought the top into the mechanic with a working top, he messed with the top to service your motor, and then he broke it while doing so. He should be responsible for fixing it or paying for it to get fixed. It's not to hard for him or you or a third party to diagnose the problem.
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