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Old 02-20-2020, 11:43 AM   #18
Who's askin'?
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Originally Posted by 03boxster-S View Post
The previous owner did really well with my car in autocross; but is autocross all i can do with my Boxster without adding the Brey Krauss Roll Bar Extension? Or do some tracks allow Boxster without it?
Any PCA Event should allow you to run as-is (pass the rest of the tech inspection, of course). The Boxster is on their list of approved convertibles.

In my experience, many other organizations have deferred to PCA for that determination and will also allow them to run as-is.

Where I think you're most-likely to run into a problem is at tracks which aren't frequented by PCA, and at tracks who are promoting their own track days independent of another organization. In those instances you're more likely to run into someone who is unfamiliar with (or simply doesn't care about) what other organizations allow, and they'll want to apply some variation of the "Broomstick Rule".

Tell us what your home track would be, and maybe there are people here with some experience who can help.
It's always best to ask your event organizer, and please post what you find.

Edit: for clarification, I'm talking about track days, HPDE's, time trials, etc. You will not be allowed wheel to wheel racing without a full roll cage.

Last edited by maytag; 02-20-2020 at 12:48 PM.
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