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Old 05-31-2019, 01:35 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by thefunkygibbon View Post
ok so i'm still none the wiser after reading a bunch of threads on this.
I'm UK, me and my dad have Boxster S's. Mine (2002, facelift) has power all of the time, my dads, a 2000, doesn't and only powers up with ignition.

so, maybe it is a facelift thing? maybe previous owners have changed it....?

either way... is there a way of stopping the power all of the time? i, like OP, don't much fancy the idea of the device plugged into the lighter (in my case, a BT/FM transmitter thing) draining the battery.
The factory set the cars up for constant power from the factory to allow the use of a battery maintainer with the car locked up and the alarm on.
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