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Old 12-07-2018, 09:02 AM   #15
The Radium King
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Originally Posted by maytag View Post
You're talking about these at $1200?

It says they need to be used in conjunction with their camber plates, another $650.

Are these really that much superior to these from Pelican, for instance? EgJAaPD_BwE

Or these from RENNLINE for $850?
lots of variables:

serviceable ball joints? you don't want to throw away a $1000 control arm because the ball joint wears.

adjustable thrust arm bushings? big camber pushes the control arm out and impacts caster (especially at the front where the thrust arms are shorter).

monoball or rubber bushings? how much play do you want in your suspension?

adjustment mechanism - shims are extra $.

quality - do you trust spc after what steve went through?

ps, note that the rennline arms are $600 a PAIR, but the ends are $250 EACH ($500 a pair) so the rennline product is $1100. with the elephant product for the addnl $90 you get solid thrust arm bushings, serviceable ball joints, and a simpler adjustment mechanism.

Last edited by The Radium King; 12-07-2018 at 09:06 AM.
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