Maybe you should thread "Here's what I've done. I enjoyed doing it. If you don't like it, screw you."

That being said, and since you sir, I don't like it...or more appropriately I should say it's not something I would have done BUT if you like it, then I'll chime in with suggestions. First, I think any 'surface treatments' (paint, decals, etc) will just make it look more 'stuck on'. On a somewhat similar situation, awhile back we wanted to install interior plantation style shutters in our house...we really liked the look but one room just seemed unbalanced (like there should be a window on a wall, but wasn't) solution was to trim out the size of a window and install the shutter in the fake opening. The result was good, but still looked "stuck on', so I had a mirror cut to the size of the 'opening' and re-hung the shutter...the result is impressive and the effect is that of a window due to the added depth. I would think you could accomplish the same effect...cut out the bottom holes, install your mesh behind, and behind mesh use a plastic mirror. You could try a 'mock up on the upper holes before you cut out the lowers. Anyway, just my suggestion.
And yes, I get the retirement issue...I find myself hunting for projects (mainly home improvement). Some have been needed, but some have been mentally fabricated...and of those, some have been good ideas and others, well, not as much...well done but superfluous. One last tip, I've found that before I start a new project, I ask myself "is this really needed, or am I just looking for a project?" If the latter, I'll reassess and move on to something else.
As always, best wishes. Enjoy...but if you decide to paint plaid with pink rims and giant curb feelers, maybe you should seek help.