Originally Posted by Homeoboxter
Thanks for all the input! Is there a tendency for the hexagonal oil pump driver to break? I haven`t heard of such an issue with these engines. Other than that, delivering a small amount of fresh oil through the IMS sounds reasonable to me.
The hex shaft is a well known failure point.
The concept of spraying oil on the factory bearing is grossly oversold. While a little oil is good, a lot is not necessarily better, particularly if the shaft gets flooded, either because it was used as an oil conduit, or because too much oil is sprayed into the bearing and the factory rear bearing seal won't hold it. If you look at the IMS Solution, the kit puts a pressed in plug behind the solid bearing specifically to prevent this.
You can actually get sufficient oil into the factory bearing by just removing the rear bearing seal and letting the oil mist inside the engine do the job.