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Old 09-19-2018, 12:02 PM   #3
Who's askin'?
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Originally Posted by speedyspaghetti View Post
C - I've replaced basically everything on my front and rear suspension DIY - how challenging would this be to do myself? Obviously I don't want to f-up my car, but it would be rewarding and I could save about $2k by doing it myself.
I think that looks like a fair estimate. Based on the time I know it took me, yeah that seems about right.

Can you do it? hmmm.... tougher question. I tend to think EVERYONE can do the same stuff I can. But the weird thing is that I would NEVER assume that I can do everything YOU can..... so clearly my logic is flawed, haha.

Suspension is relatively simple, compared to transaxle removal / clutch /IMSB/ replacement. But the Pelican book is very thorough in the step-by step instructions. I would go read through the procedure they've outlined, including each step of the "other required" processes they point you to. If you have the tools to do each of those steps, and you can be patient enough to do them all correctly, you'll probably do just fine on it.

That's my opinion only. And you know what those are worth, right?

Also: the sachs clutch is just great. But I agree with Paulofto: be sure they check your flywheel. It's a dual-mass unit and is known to wear-out the interface between the two "masses". Mine was shot, and that was all the excuse I needed to do the LWFW (which then necessitated a MUCH more expensive clutch... dangit).
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