Hey y'all! Thanks for this great discussion!
Originally Posted by steved0x
Agree with thstone, day 1 that instructor couldn't help you go faster without breaking out the wallet, but on day 2 that instructor had new things to help you.
You've all made some really, really good points. I may not have emphasized it enough in y original post, but I mentioned, and absolutely KNOW that there's still plenty of learning curve. LOTS of things to learn, and muscle-memories to develop.
Originally Posted by thstone
First, you need to know how good a track driver you really are and the only way to know that is to compare lap times with others in similar cars.
This might mean going back and looking up the best times that were posted in the past for your class at the tracks that you visit.
I'm struggling to find any times posted for unmodified Boxsters at this (or any other) tracks. Comparing myself to other unmodified or lightly-modified boxsters, cayman's, 996's, etc etc at the events I've been to: yeah..... I'm pretty fast, comparatively. But that obviously doesn't tell the story. The large disparity in laptimes among those cars at those events actually PROVES that the data isn't reliable. However: comparing my times to spec boxsters isn't really useful either, unless I'm using it to prove the point that it's time to make modifications, hehe.
Originally Posted by MaxD
For starters - you need to get to a consistent reliable platform.
It would help if you gave us your approximate winter/short term budget for car mods.
Front camber, springs/shock and tires would be my first priority. Then real data, Harry's is great but often optimistic.
You should have asked me for a ride along or a ride in my lowly "spec". The IRPCA's primary interest is keeping you "on" the track and in control. Going faster is not really a curriculum priority and many instructors don't race or do TT's. Did either of them ask you about your goals for the event?
I also instruct for NASA so grab me at the next event.
Max's post gets a lot of weight with me, because he was THERE... so his hand is hovering over the Bull-$h!t button.... haha.
What Max is getting at is this: When I showed-up on Sunday at registration, I made the joke with my new friends there, that I finally made it to the 2nd day of an event! haha. Now, this is a mild exaggeration, but born from truth: I've had a number of mechanical failures this year, some more serious than others. My 2nd day this time was ALSO threatened by tire-wear (which was ABSOLUTELY within my control to avoid, but I didn't know last week what I know this week...) There's still a curve there as well, that Max has correctly identified.
Max, I really SHOULD have come found you. it didn't occur to me, when we were chatting. Partly because you're so busy trying to make sure guys like me keep having this much fun, hehe.
You're right that the instructors don't always have the same intent. My instructor on Saturday was Mike fchaba872345387g. (Yeah... I don't know his last name. Short, lots of mustache, probably mid-60's, races porsches) Mike was clearly ont he same page as I was, and was helping me go faster. Scott, on the other hand, on Sunday, yeah, I really don't know what his background or frame of reference was. He was STILL able to help me, but differently.
Tell me what you're using for data? I'd like to be as reliable as possible, so that it's as useful as possible. But I sure hate to throw down big bills on something not showing big dividends.
NEXT time, MaxD: you-n-me Pal. Show me the ways of the Boxster, yeah? :-) Maybe you need to take my car for a couple of laps and let's see what is left in it that I'm not accessing yet? Learn me up!
Originally Posted by steved0x
At my home track I was sure that the car was holding me back, i was passing every other Boxster, caymans, 911s etc. ....... But I'm now doing things with the car, weight transfer, rotation, etc things i had only read about and thought i was already doing but was not. I can't to see what my next learning will be 
This describes me too. same-same. Though you're probably ahead of me on the curve.
Originally Posted by steved0x
I would recommend GT3 front control arms (well that is a wallet buster  ) and around 15-20mm of shims, at stock height that will get you to around -2.5 camber in the front, max your back neg camber at around -1.9, your front will grip better, better tire wear, and with 0 toe in front and .08 degree of toe in per side in back, you won't have excessive inner tire wear even with that camber. If you are not already, go to a 225/45/17 in front vs the stock 205/50/17.
Then drive the wheels off like you have been doing and have fun!!!
Good info. YES, I'm already running the 225/45/17 in front. I'm running dedicated track wheels, and had federal 595 RS-RR tires on them. I'll probably change to the NT01's now, as suggested.
MaxD, I don't know what the budget is yet.... it all depends on how bad I want it. This in turn dictates the level of creativity I'm willing to use to squirrel the cash away without my wife noticing. Tell me y'all don't know what I'm talking about?