Thread: Yikes 😲
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Old 09-15-2018, 11:01 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by MWS View Post
If the voltage is the same, I'd assume that it's as simple as connecting the ground then connecting one lead to the side marker (to act as DRL if switch is in first position) and the other to the turn signal in the headlight assembly. From your pics, it looks like there are 2 different bulb colors, so the amber would go to the turn signal (obviously) and the white to the side marker. If the harness doesn't have a relay, the white would remain illuminated (as the side marker doesn't flash) might want to make sure that the amber is bright enough to be visible over the white.
This is correct.

The unit in the picture with the wires coming out is a switchback controller, so it will shut off the DRL when the turn signal is activated.

Black to ground, red to parking light, yellow to turn signal.
No additional controller is necessary.


Last edited by particlewave; 09-15-2018 at 12:24 PM.
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