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Old 11-19-2017, 04:24 PM   #43
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Let me put a couple notes in here since it's the most recent discussion of the Audi 4.2 Swap.

A critical dimension of the engines is from the transmission mating surface to the front of the cam covers:
The 32 Valve ABZ engine I have is a little under 19 inches.
The 40 Valve AUX engine is about 20 inches.
This makes to 40 valve engine a much tighter fit at the front. I made the mistake of using an ABZ engine to design my engine sub-frame, so I had to make a slight modification to my forward firewall to make it fit. I think it is close enough that a correctly designed sub-frame will work with the transmission slightly more to the rear than I have it.??

Originally Posted by 78F350 View Post
.... The other-other news is that I can't quite make sense out of what I said about the crank sensor and 66 degrees before TDC. Looking at where my flex plate lined up, I don't see how it's physically 66 degrees from TDC.
Here's one of the places I got it from:
To see the whole document, search for "V8-5VEngine.pdf". ...
I eventually made sense out of this. When the 40 valve engine is pinned at TDC, it's at TDC for cylinder 5, not cylinder 1.
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