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Old 06-06-2017, 06:20 PM   #16
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Originally Posted by B6T View Post
There's apparently a manual transmission V8 file from the euro S8 floating around Nefmoto somewhere. I think that's the one you need.

I'm assuming your Box is DBC?
My project car is a 2000 S. At first, I was going to go with the ABZ, then I bought a complete 2003 A8. I think that for the 2000 and later cars the 40 valve engine is the better match, so that's probably what I'll go with. I have seen the Euro S8 file and I really need to see if one of my ECUs will take it without bricking. From what I have read though the tune will be off pretty bad due to differences in intake and valves etc.
Here's the mess in my garage at the moment:

My 2000 S is still intact and driveable (with a 2.5L engine that seems to have a blocked coolant passage). I have the cut-away back end of my parts car for a mock-up.

There are a lot of versions of wiring diagrams scattered across the web. I collected everything I'd need for the ABZ, and had mapped out much of the harness. Now with the change of plan, I have a Bentley for the C5 (AWN & ART engine code) - not quite a match for my late D2 AUX, but close.
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Last edited by 78F350; 06-06-2017 at 06:36 PM.
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