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Old 06-06-2017, 01:47 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by B6T View Post
I think the minimum requirements to swap an Audi V8 into a non-S (5-speed) Boxster you could get away with would be an engine cradle, and a conversion harness between the Audi engine and the Boxster body harness. Obviously air, exhaust and coolant plumbing as well. You likely wouldn't need to cut up the car anywhere.

Based on the measurements I've seen the belt drive V8s aren't any longer than the M96s when measured from the crank pulley back to the transmission mounting flange. The chain drive V8s (i.e. B6 S4) would be less so (but there are issues with those engines). The issue is with the height of the engine which causes an interference between the engine cover and the throttle body... at least based on the pictures I've seen on the interweb.
I've been working on a cradle/subframe lately. I'm not a good welder or engineer, so I have made a rough wooden model that I'm having a shop use for dimensions. To get an Audi V8 to fit with the stock intake it will need to have a little cutting around the engine cover. I'll post pics in a day or two. The throttle body is too high and too far back on both the ABZ and 40 valve engines. With mine there will be a little cutting and a custom fabricated all metal cover. The rest of the fit looks good. Unless I find problems as I progress I plan to keep the PS pump and AC compressor. Lots of room at the front firewall and a little play at the bottom end, oil pan, subframe.
I am not an attorney, mechanic, or member of the clergy. Following any advice given in my posts is done at your own peril.
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